Chapter 20. Every Breath you Take

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**A/N & TW** Hello all it has been a while and here is a short smut filled chapter to get you through until the next chapter. Originally this was supposed to be part of the next chapter but I thought I would put it all together in this one scene and let you enjoy it as it was written.

I loved this bit because I love these two. I know man of you have been waiting for this moment (we are not talking about the end prize yet be patient) But here it is

TW for sex and sexual situations. Enjoy!


Evelyn POV

When I awoke, I was slow to emerge from the deep comfortable sleep. Ever so slowly, my body became aware of the warm morning light brushing against my cheeks. The heat that surrounded me from a too soft mattress and hard male body, I was so warm. I pressed further into that equally warm body, my hands falling upon hard sculpted muscles. I smiled, the scent familiar, warm and inviting, filled with happy memories...

My eyes burst open, and I turned my head.


His eyes were closed, and his dark lashes fanned out over top of his cheeks, a familiar jealousy surfaced within warming my insides to match what I felt on the outside. Jealousy over those lashes and a new burning jealousy too, one I couldn't put my finger on. Steve lay shirtless on his side one arm under his pillow beneath his head the other limp across my middle. He was facing me, the sheets laying low across his hips, I assumed he was clothed beneath.

The sun shone like a halo from the window behind him, the golden light cast over him and my breath stalled in my lungs, he looked so peaceful, angelically beautiful.  In either universe I'd been to, mine or his, I never thought that he could look as such, even in sleep. I fought with myself not to reach out and touch him, to rub the palm of my hand over the stubble that grew on his chin overnight. He must have brought me here after I had fallen asleep on the couch last night. I couldn't help the sting of disappointment that flooded me that it had not been James that had brought me back to his room. That feeling however, was fleeting because I could not deny that there was a part of me that was glad I was here, with Steve watching him sleep like a complete and utter creep.

A smiled played over my lips and I found my hand reaching for him anyway. This time however I did not stop myself, I let myself indulge. I pressed the palm of my hand against the side of his face, the stubble did indeed scratch my palm like I'd imagined. The arm that had been laying lazily over my middle pulled me in closer pressing me to him, even in sleep I could feel the possessive nature of his touch.

I didn't mind.

The dark part of me liked it.

I couldn't help that the smile on my face grew wider, I couldn't help the quiet chuckle that fell from my lips. I knew it would wake him, and again there was part of me that wanted that too. I wanted to see those blue eyes flutter open. I wanted to know what his expression would be, I wanted to know if it would be what I imagined, would he blink lazily and smile pulling me in closer? Would he press his lips against mine? Would he let his hands wander beneath the sheets?

A low growl erupted from his throat and a sleepy grin did lift the corners of his mouth, and he did pull me closer. He buried his nose into the crook of my neck, my dark hair cascaded over him hiding his features from my view. I heard him inhale deeply and sigh in contentment.

"I wondered how long you would stare at me before you couldn't resist touching me anymore." His tone was gravelly from sleep I could hear the smile in his voice, and the teasing nature of his tone.

He pulled me even yet closer pushing me gently onto my back his knee pressed between my thighs. His hand slid from my waist to behind my knee hooking it over his hip. His hand then cast a trail of fire up my thigh before coming to rest on my ass, his fingers splayed kneading the flesh. 

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