Chapter 18. Paparazzi

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A/N Shorter chapter this time I hope you enjoy!Soon we are going to get into the good bits.

Evelyn POV

When we arrived at the apartment it was with a flurry of chaotic activity. There were construction workers everywhere cleaning and fixing the disaster that Steve and James had made of my room. Before I had a moment to question what was to happen next, Steve ushered me quickly up to the roof and away from all prying eyes. His own eyes darted wildly about as though he was expecting another even more dubious threat to come barrelling in. But me, all that I wanted was to ask him about James. Had I his number in my phone I would have called him myself but as it stood Captain America was my only contact so far. Before I could even open my mouth to voice my questions, Steve was on his phone his back turned to me looking out over the city, a thin sheen of sweat on his brow. He made numerous phone calls, not giving me the slightest opportunity to ask him for James' number.

I leaned against the roof top still able to hear the bustle of reporters below, tuning him out long ago no longer trying to figure out who he was speaking to. When he finally slid his phone into his pocket, he turned to me.

"You, ok?" He asked again stepping closer to me his eyes filled with genuine concern.

"When is James able to come back?" I asked choosing to ask my own rather than answering his.

He ran his fingers through his hair, and I couldn't help but feel the tension radiating off of him. "It's hard to say."

I could feel my own anger begin to rise at this and I bristled. I took a deep breath in an attempt to calm myself before I spoke next, "I don't understand why he can't come back home."

He sighed and I could see the conflict boiling over within him. "They have sealed the doors to the building so no one else can get in or out for the time being until we can get an injunction to force them to go away." He said as though it pained him to admit it.

"What? What do you mean?" I asked weary of not his words but his tone.

"I had to inform a few folks that that you were here, but the government can make all of these," he motioned to the reporters below, "pests, go away."

I pulled my lip between my teeth before I looked back up to him, "And how exactly are they going to do that?"

He reached out to me then pulled his hand back as though he thought better of it and once again pulled his hand through his hair making it stand on end, "I told them you were my wife Evelyn and they needed to help me keep you safe."

I punched him square in the face.

Mordo POV

Coming here was more dangerous than I had thought it would be. I had not been able to get any closer to Evelyn Rogers, but now however I was dealing with the enemy of my counterpart. My doppelgänger was more of a nuisance in this world than anything else, and as far as I could tell his only goal was to get under Strange's skin.

This universe' Strange was not even The Sorcerer Supreme and I did indeed feel as though Wong was well suited to the roll. I was fuming as I found myself outside of the sanctum, wondering if this part of my plan was in fact deranged.

Was I not handing myself right over to my enemy?

I took a deep breath and took a step towards the door lifting my hand to knock, but the dark double door swung inward. I stepped through the threshold, into the empty entry way. My eyes traveled up the grand staircase dragging them to where it split grandly towards the next levels of the Sanctum. My boots echoed off the gleaming decorative floors, I let my hand rest lightly upon one of the three globes that decorated the centre of the entryway.

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