Chapter 2. Time After Time

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A/N Well looks like we are going to have two chapters today! Surprise! But it seems to be flowing and I figure why not. I cannot promise this on the regular but I will do my best! No trigger warning this chapter. Enjoy!

Chapter 2.  Time Change

I looked at myself in the long mirror on the back of the bathroom door in the small room they had put me. My hair still wet from the shower. I can't recall the last time I'd had one with hot water. They had brought me here after the woods, I'm not sure what this place is but it was where I was to stay, under their watch until they decided where to put me. Once they figured out who and what I was.

I met my own gaze through the reflective glass, I barely recognized myself. Green eyes shone through the glassy gaze of despair and the dark circles beneath them almost looked like black eyes. I quickly looked away seeing none of the force of nature that I used to be, I didn't think I even had the desire to anymore, not without him. I could barely meet my own gaze as guilt burned swiftly thought me like a wildfire.

I was safe.

I was alive.

And he was gone.


I swallowed back the raw sadness that ached at the back of my throat again.  I lifted the hairbrush beside the sink and began the task of detangling my dark hair, hair that was longer than I remembered, now it brushed my lower back, where last I recalled it had been just past my shoulders. How long had it been since I'd had these sorts of luxuries? How long had it been that I could have a shower? Brush my hair, put on clean clothes and just take my time getting ready? I put down the brush before I was finished.

One thousand nine hundred and fifteen days. Five years, six weeks and one day. That is how long it had been since Thanos destroyed everything and everyone I loved. All except him, that was barely two hours and fifteen minutes.

I took a deep breath. They had given me clothes to wear. An ill-fitting pair of too tight denim and a baggy white mens shirt that I tucked into the waistband of my jeans.

I felt hollow.

My nerves felt frayed and my senses alert and ready for a fight because they had been conditioned for so long to do so. For as long as I could remember that is what it had been like. From the first time I had met Steve and James as a girl. When I pushed Bucky out from in front of a milk truck only to have him grab me by the hand at the last minute pulling me along with him. After that we were inseparable apart from circumstances far out of our control. My hands shook at the memory of standing on that sunny street corner, because I had a strong suspicion that is not what happened in this world, that James had been unable to grasp my hand and pull me back. A heroic sacrifice, I'd wondered if that is what had helped shaped them here. I hoped it. 

I could hear the noises from the other room, the others, unsure of what to do with me or about me. I heard their hushed whispers. Unaware of what it was I was capable, but just like Steve and James the serum burned through my blood, right now I cursed it, I cursed it all and not for the first time in my long life. I wanted nothing more than to curl into the corner and die. Without him what was the point anyway?

But what then would be the point of his sacrifice?

There was a knocking at the door.

I froze.

"Evelyn?" It was Sam's voice on the other side of the door, and I let loose a breath I did not recall holding, "Can I come in?" I moved to the door and opened it coming face to face with him, his dark eyes kind and tentative his face set to kind concern.

"It's ok," My voice was raw, and my throat burned. "I'm coming out now. I'm sure you all have questions."

He nodded and turned. "You have no idea."

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