Chapter 24. Nothing Else Matters

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A/N Finally it is finished!!! Thank you for all of the reads and I'm really excited for you to read this, I had hoped it would be out before Halloween but alas it is not. Enjoy none the less.

Evelyn POV

Mordo grasped me by the arm and the illusion dissipated. I shrugged off his grip and spun on him, "How?" I demanded, "How did you come to know this?"

He clasped his hands behind his back and offered me a bland expression, "I had vested interest in what had happened to Strange. Demons can travel amidst the shadows as my spies."

I gave him a guarded look, "So what do you think you can accomplish by taking the Stones then? Besides my death."

He turned his back on me opening a portal as he did so, "I have no interest in your death."

He took a step closer to the portal, "Wait," I called out, "Don't leave me in here again." The thought of being alone even amongst my enemies didn't hold a great appeal to me.

"Oh," he turned and grinned devilishly down at me, "I hadn't intended on it."

With that he stepped through the portal and once on the other side he extended a hand, "Well, are you coming?"

I looked down to his open palm. Nearly every part of me screamed not to follow, but a small part of me was eager to be rid of this cell. I pondered for a moment as I took his hand if I was getting into bed with the enemy.

Once through the portal I looked around to get a bearing on my surroundings only to find I was in an altogether foreign place. Yet it was oddly familiar. "What is this place?" I asked, my voice taking on a slightly breathless tone.

"So full of questions?" I could hear the grin on his face as I took in my surroundings.

The air smelt of sulfur and brimstone, the sky was an unearthly shade of burnt yellow, there was no sun painted in the sky, only dark black clouds of smoke smattered the horizon. The red earthen ground was dry and crumbling beneath my bare feet, and the heat of it warmed my icy toes. There were tall spires of the same umber coloured stone that ripped into the sky cutting into the smoky black clouds. A terrifying cry called out in the distance rending the air and echoing off the spires.

The flap of large leathery wings caught my attention and I spun to where the portal had just been as one of the bat-like creatures I'd previously encountered swooped down towards my head. With a surprised yelp I ducked out of the way only to be met with a deep chortling laugh from Mordo. I spun back on him to find the creature had landed on his extended arm. The ugly demon face of the creature bent towards his ear, the clicking raspy sound of its voice spoke to him in a language I had never heard before, but he nodded sagely once before the demon took off again.

"Welcome to the Demon realm my darling," he grinned, "I'm sure you have been to worse places than this."

How the hell was I going to get out of here?

Plans for an escape started to try and form in my head but I was at a complete and utter loss in how to actually do any of them. "What now?" I looked around fear another demon would come barreling from the sky down upon me.

"I rather thought you would like to have some more appropriate attire." He raised a brow looking down at the oversized t-shirt I had been wearing since I'd arrived.

Steve's t-shirt.

A shock of pain and longing for Steve shot through me, and I couldn't help but tug the t-shirt down if only an inch. Not ashamed of my body ashamed I'd momentarily forgotten my state of undress. Schooling my features I narrowed my eyes at him, "If you think you can butter me up to further your plans, you'll have another thing coming to you." Part of me wondered if he was offering me these things to ease my temper over being abducted. "I'd rather stay like this if it means I'm taking anything from you." I countered his offer.

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