Chapter 8. Sympathy for the Devil

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A/N Hey folks! This Chapter seemed to take ages, literally rewatched all the Captain America movies and half of Endgame but I got it done... Finally... I could have worked on this chapter for ages. Without giving any spoilers I am thinking about writing a separate fic that might fill in some of the blanks with Evie's past in the other world. Sort of an AU of Captain America and Bucky's Story cause I had to work a big chunk of that out during this chapter anyhow. Some of it will peak through in later chapters... Anyhow enjoy. I don't think there are any TW in this chapter but hang tight the smut everyone has been looking forward will arrive eventually. I'm going for a bit of a slow burn so bare with me. Love you all and look forward to hearing what you think!


The door closed behind Steve as he left, and James and I were both left in stunned silence. I tilted my head to look into James' direction only to find a sly grin wide on his face, "See, I told you that he didn't hate you."

I shook my head my tears still threatening to fall but I couldn't help but feel a fraction less awful than I had before Steve had practically struck me with his words.

He reminded me that I had not failed my husband, in fact ensuring my safety had been his dying wish. How could I have even contemplated anything else? Shame was tempted to rise again before I shook myself swearing that I would do everything in my power to make sure that I did not let despair take me in its grasp again. I turned to watch the door where steve had departed and couldn't help but still feel disbelief that he had stood up for me against my own awful thoughts.

I leaned my head against James' shoulder and took a deep shuttering breath, "Thank you." I said looking up at him again from where I had rested my head, "I know you didn't have to come in here."

He shook his head, "Like hell I didn't," he almost sounded offended, "I know that it's only been a few days but honestly Evie, you seem to be the only person who gets it, like, really gets what it was like I mean."

I nodded not needing him to explain because he was right. He didn't need anyone to pity him, in fact it was the opposite, he wanted someone to treat him just like any other man. Even if in his long life he had seen more than most men should be expected to. Perhaps especially because of that. He also didn't need to explain to me the things that happened to him when he was with Hydra because in my world I had been there too. I had seen it. I lived it. I may have even done it right alongside of him.

"I do get it James, even though sometimes I wish that wasn't the case," I laced my fingers through his looking down upon them. His hand felt hot next to my icy flesh, "Sometimes I wish neither of us had to live with the things that we've done."

He didn't reply but he squeezed my hand in his, "I didn't think I would ever wish that someone had to go through what I have, but selfishly I am glad." His jaw was set tightly.

I bumped my shoulder into him a grin sliding onto my face, "I get it but that is cold Buck."

He raised his brows, "Should I be hurt? I feel like I should be- You've never called me anything but James before."

My grin widened, "Wanna know a secret Sarge?"

"Of course," he said his tone playful returning my grin.

"I have never called you Bucky because my uncle had a dog with the same name." He tilted his head back and laughed the sound erupting from deep within his belly and my heart warmed at it. I found myself grinning like an idiot.

"Are you kidding me?" His smile didn't lessen.

I shook my head, "Not in the slightest."

"Was it at least a cool dog?" He laughed again.

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