Chapter 26. The Final Countdown

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**An: It has been so long since I've updated but to make up for it this chapter is over ten thousand words. Also I think I re-wrote this chapter a grand total of three times because I was in a bit of a stump because I didn't... you know what?  Read and enjoy I won't say any more. ILY all thank you for your support.

TW** Infidelity


I was awoken by the sounds of Evelyn's soft cries. I sat up rubbing my eyes finding that the sun was rising through the trees, the early morning light casting a warm glow across the empty room. The sofa where she and Bucky had been sleeping was barren. Standing my aching muscles protested, old injuries becoming more painful as of late. No matter that the serum thrummed in my veins some injuries were still too much for my body not to complain, but it was not my body that concerned me.

It was her.

I moved towards the sounds of Evelyn's cries. The closer I got to her the more I could hear of what was happening. The gentle murmur of Bucky's voice tickled my ears through the closed door. His tone was so gentle and caring that it was nearly unrecognizable, this was the man I'd not recalled hearing in a great many years, definitely not the Bucky that had escaped Hydra's grasp. He spoke so softly in attempt to sooth her in a way I knew perhaps only he could, but I needed to learn too.

I knocked once on the door before I opened it, finding Evelyn curled up on Bucky's lap crying her heart out, "what happened?" I asked Bucky keeping my voice soft.

His eyes flicked up to mine for a moment and I noted that his hair was cut short, the fallen locks of his hair was strewn about on the floor around them. "I think," he said keeping his voice quiet, "that everything that has happened is hitting her now." His jaw was tight, he didn't like to see her like this, and honestly neither did I.

I wished that I could take that pain away from her.

I took another step into the room, Bucky looked up again and he offered me a solemn look, "Let me." I said swallowing thickly, "Let me take her, let me hold her."

I had ached to feel her in my arms from the moment Bucky had brought her into the library at the Sanctum. I'd only been able to hold her for just a brief moment then. Now she was here, back where she belonged and no longer was she in any physical pain, there was obviously still some mental distress. I wasn't surprised. Being taken. I felt the muscles in my shoulders tense, a lick of anger burning through me because she had been taken and it had taken far too long to get her back. Strong battle-hardened men had been taken captive and fared worse than Evelyn, but that is not to say there was the same torrent of fear just beneath her flesh.

She was strong, one of the strongest women I had ever met, strong and stubborn and beautiful. She was resilient and willing to do whatever it took to make sure that the ones she loved and cared for were safe. Even if it meant putting herself in harm's way. Yet right at this moment she was falling apart, and I could not hold it against her in the slightest.

Bucky nodded.

I moved towards them lifting her from his arms. Her emerald, green eyes lifted to mine, and I felt the wind being knocked from me with the depths of sadness that filled them.

"Evelyn," I spoke pulling her close to me and turning to walk from the room heading towards one of the two bedrooms in the hallway, "I've got you sweet girl."

She wrapped her arms around my neck her hot tears dampening the collar of my shirt, again I didn't care. I moved into the room, and I sat down on the bed still holding her in my arms. She crawled into my lap much like she had with Bucky.

"What's the matter Angel?" I asked tucking a lock of damp dark hair behind her ear.

I watched her throat bob as she tried to slow her tears, her cheeks were flushed and sweat was dotting her brow, "I- I miss them, Steve." She couldn't keep eye contact with me. "And I am ashamed because you are both here, and I think," she trailed off biting her lip in an attempt to stop the trembling of her chin, "No, I know that you have both treated me better than either of them ever did. Better than I have been treated in a very long time and I don't deserve it."

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