Chapter 17. Hold On

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A/N: late posting life has been insane the last few weeks so it is finally here. I love this chapter so much so I did happen to take my time with it. So I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

**TW** Sterility

The sky blazed with a shock of brilliant vermillion. A powerful shock of ozone left a sharp oxygenated taste in my mouth yet all I could register was pain. Pain in my body as it lay torn and bleeding and pain in my heart for everything we lost and would undoubtedly lose. My thoughts immediately went to Steve, I'd hoped he was alright, I hoped he was still alive, but he was a universe away. Here I stood with a rag tag bunch of heroes. I wavered on my feet next to where Toni now stood. Peter had been on her right, fallen onto the ruined ground but now he was gone turned to dust along with so many of the others we had only just met.

We had failed.

There was not just a foul taste in my mouth but a vile burning ache down my side. I could not hold myself up anymore, even though I tried, I had tried the whole time that Peter clung to Toni begging for her to help him. Hot red blood seeped from my wound, matching my tears. Yet the crimson sanguine fluid drained so quickly from me it pooled beneath filling my boots and stained the already red earth black. Darkness edged my sight. Thanos had done this with his double-edged sword, he had nearly brained me but because of my speed and my strength I was left with this long angry wound that I was not sure I would survive. I fell to one knee, black dots swimming in my vision. Strange was gone, Peter was gone, The guardians were gone too, all that remained besides Toni, and I was the strangle blue woman with black eyes. A look in her eyes that told me she knew I was going to die.

"Evie," Toni's voice was laced with concern, tears streamed down her face, but I knew they weren't for me. They were for Peter the boy who she had taken under her wing an adopted son of sorts. To her I was nothing I wouldn't be surprised if she cheered on my death.

"She will not survive." The monotone voice of the blue woman, Nebula, you think you recalled her name to be.

Somehow, I found my voice, "I am stronger than I look." I said through gritted teeth the energy I used to speak was too much and I felt my body weaken. Then there was only darkness.

I awoke when we were crashing through Earth's orbit, my lungs felt heavy as I gasped for breath only to find that there was no air left to breathe. Toni lay not far from me, emaciated, broken, defeated she too gasping for breath though there was none to be taken.

When to doors to the craft opened and air rushed in, I found that even though I tried to stand I could not. I felt myself being lifted by a pair of strong arms, but the world felt confused, too bright with too many noises and too much chilled air. I shivered and groaned and passed out again.

When I awoke next, I was in a hospital bed. It hurt so much to breathe that I didn't dare try to move. My eyes fell to a bowed head on the hospital bed next to mine. Messy blond hair, with pale fingers threaded through it, my heart clenched.

"Steve." I reached out for him.

He was alive.

Blinding pain coursed through me all at once speaking my breath.

I passed out once again.

Hours or days passed on, fingers digging into my wound, healing, stretching, pushing. Words filled my ears.

"She should be dead. "

"I don't know when she will fully wake."

"I'm sorry Steve but her body has been damaged in some places beyond our capabilities to repair."

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