Chapter 5 - Ain't no Sunshine

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A/N Here we go I did it five chapters in five days. I love this Chapter. Enjoy!
Also Bucky's scent is Winter Cabin by Bath & Bodyworks 😏

I woke up in a cold sweat falling from the bed to the floor. It was still dark it must have been only a few hours after Steve had brought me to my room. I had not slept in a soft bed in much longer than I cared to recall. I felt like I was being suffocated, like my chest was caving in. The world was falling in on me, it had already fallen in on me and it would keep on falling in on me.

I had been dreaming, dreaming of my husband his warm hands on me, holding me, caressing me, telling me over and over again how he was certain that I was the only reason the sun still rose every morning and that no matter if the world had gone to hell in a hand basket it was still perfect to him because I existed. I dozed in his arms, feeling safe and loved and happy.

Then I felt him shake me, I peeked through half lidded eyes, his gaze bore into mine his eyes seemed to glow electric in the early morning light. I reached brushing his long hair from his eyes as to not miss a single moment that he looked upon me. "Evie," his voice was like gravel, like he had not used it for a long time, "Evie wake up open your eyes."

I felt confused because I was awake, I was looking at him.

"No Evie, I need you to wake up," his voice was insistent.

I tried to sit-up, but he pushed me down again his hungry eyes now dark and angry, "I don't think you understand Evie."

He was right, I didn't understand. I had no idea why he was so getting so angry with me. I tried to reach up for him again, but he grasped my hand and pushed it back down to the mattress beside my head.

"Something is coming."

I tried to pull my hands from his iron grip, "What are you talking about?" My eyes darted around, fearful Thanos and his army had found us.

His eyes too searched around the room, and he put his face close to mine, his voice echoed around me his face changing and it was Doctor Strange now above me blood dripping down his temple. "we were not the only ones who used a pocket dimension to avoid the snap, there was another and he is trying to get to you."

Cold dread filled me.

"Wake up Evie, wake up now ward yourself like I've shown you, that world is not as safe as I thought."

"Is he alive?" I managed to choke out.

A look of deep regret filled Strange's expression.

It was as though I was swallowed by a pit of despair.

"Evie listen," he implored, "I won't be far behind him either, I am using the last of my strength to come to you. Protect yourself and protect that world. I know you know how, contact my counter, keep him from that world.

"Who?" I somehow managed to choke out.

"Mordo." He said and then I was violently ripped from sleep.

I stayed where I fell to the floor and tried everything that I could to calm my breaths, but I could not. My hope was gone, pulled out from underneath me like a preverbal rug. Sobs wracked my body and I allowed myself that. I allowed myself exactly ten minutes to mourn as much and as fast as I could because I knew if Strange had sacrificed himself to bring me a message, that there wasn't time for this.

My muscles protested as I pushed myself up from the floor, the pain in every bump and bruise that littered my flesh seemed to have grown a hundred-fold. I pushed open my door and moved through the hallways finding my way back to that central room.

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