Chapter 10. My body is a Cage

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A/N" Sorry this one took a while longer than the others, last week was crazy. Anyhow here it is I hope you like it, grab some water, you may need it.

**TW**Smut ahead nothing too out of control yet 😅😏 

I was right, I was always right, and I was fucking pissed off. It didn't take Strange to answer Steve's text message this time, not when he mentioned portals, demons and Mordo. After a brief phone conversation between the two we found ourselves heading to 177A Bleaker Street.

Strange met us outside of the doors and ushered us quickly inside with a grim look upon his face. He didn't ask too many questions at first as he had James carry me though the elaborately antique looking rooms to a rather plain room on the second level, where they placed me on the neatly made bed. There he helped James slide my leggings down my legs to examine what he found there.

Even my breath was stolen from me when I saw the angry black bruise and venomous looking veins that were spreading outwards from the long deep gash at the centre of my leg. I was certain that through the blood you could see the white of the bone beneath. My heart skipped a beat as I too realized that it had not begun to heal whatsoever.

My eyes shot to James where I found that he was already looking at me, looking for the answers that I was looking at him for.

"What the hell did this?" Strange said looking to Steve.

"We don't know," he said stepping closer to look his face grim, "It was some kind of demon, it came from a portal."

A deep line etched between The Doctor's eyes, "A portal?" his moved his hands over the wound I could feel the heat of him so close to my thigh I flinched from it even though he had not touched it.

"Mordo," I hissed out through the pain, "Mordo opened a portal to a hell dimension."

He took pause, "I have no idea who you are, or what attacked you, but we will take care of this first then you all have a lot of questions to answer." He looked up from my leg to Steve again, "Is this what you left me a voicemail about?"

'Yeah," Steve said his face set in anger, "It would have been nice to have heard from you before something like this happened."

Strange hummed under his breath, "Who cast the spell?"

"Spell?" James echoed back.

"The shield of the Seraphim." He clarified.

"I did." I replied as I tightly grabbed onto James' forearm my nails digging into his metal arm.

"Who showed you how to do this?" he asked his hands moving closer, the magic at his fingertips burning as he twisted into the spell.

"For lack of a better explanation right now, you did Stephen."

He balked for a moment his eyes flashing to mine before moving back to his work, his shoulders stiffened even more than they were in their perfect posture. "Well, then I taught you very well, if not for this spell I'm sure you would already be dead."

I grit my teeth when there was a sudden and awful pulling sensation, it felt as though he was trying to pull my bones from my body. I could barely contain the scream crawling up my throat.

"What are you doing?" James stiffened ready to tear Strange away, "You are hurting her."

"I am trying to save her life," Call off your guard dog Captain or he will have to leave."

I wanted to strike him, but the tearing sensation became too much and all I could do was pinch my eyes closed and grit my teeth.

"I am just pulling the venom from her wound. The Shield managed to create a thin barrier between her and the dark magic, but it was not able to stop it completely." Strange explained as he tugged at the spell.

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