Chapter 7. So Far

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A/N: Song- So Far (feat. Arnor Dan) by Ólafur Arnalds. This chapter is got a few TW so please be cautious. extreme sadness, depression guilt and utter bleakness. It hurt to write this, I got caught in my own emotions too at the end. Loss is hard, hold tight to the ones you love. Grab a coffee and a blanket and enjoy this rollercoaster.

I felt great, for the first time in longer than I could recall. The late spring sun was hot, and just like I'd predicted, I had to remove my coat and tie it around my waist. My skin was warm to the touch and tinged pink from the sun and sweat had started to gather at my temples and at the back of my neck, my hair thick hot in the sun. I would have to ask them to find me some hair elastics so I could pull it off my neck, I would also need some more clothes, I wasn't opposed to wearing the same thing for months at a time, I had before but there had been no other choice. I frowned a little at the thoughts that overtook me. Thoughts that transported me back through the portal, the deserted landscape unrecognizable as the earth that thrived before me.  The landscape barren, barely a single living creature, crows and vultures and anything that could survive on the carrion of the creatures we had been able to defeat in battle.  Clothing came from whatever we could salvage from abandoned buildings that had not been destroyed by Thanos and his warriors. Even then the pickings were slim. 

Here in this realm, I would have to speak to someone about getting a job. Even then what would I even do for work, my skill set was perhaps useable could one really put mercenary on their resume? Perhaps I should talk to Sam. I had recalled him talking about the contract work he was doing for the military. That was more in my skill set. The more pressing matter should be how to become a citizen of this planet? Would the blip hinder or help my cause? It should make what happened easier for the government to swallow. Steve Rogers must have some connections, shouldn't he? I wondered if he would go that far to help me.

I scoffed imagining how that conversation would go in my head, because every conversation we'd had so far had ended in harsh words.  After that train of thought my happy mood was thoroughly dampened with all of those bleak thoughts. I figured it might as well be time to wrap up my outing and head back to the apartment.

I dragged my feet because I expected a fight, just like everything else had been for the last seventy years. When I entered the foyer, the large bodyguard behind the desk looked my way. He nodded in my direction before he picked up the phone on his desk and brought it to his ear.  I strode across the glossy floor my reflection staring back up at me after I pressed the button for the elevator. My thoughts heavy and my anticipation growing anxiously in my chest. I took a deep breath and looked back up to the doors. The wait for the elevator felt long, longer than it should be, and the room was eerily quiet. I turned back to see the guard giving me a weary look.

"I'm Evie." I said trying to look friendly unsure if I'd managed turning myself completely towards him taking a few steps in his direction.

He nodded and stepped around the desk. I gave him a quick once over appraising who I may be up against. His olive-coloured skin was all but covered by a fine cut black suit, a very expensive suit most likely provided to him by Stark industries. I could see the com device in his ear that disappeared into the collar of his shirt. I raised a brow in surprise when I saw the tattoos that edged the top of it and disappeared beneath it as well.

"Nice to meet you Ms. Evie." He spoke his voice thick with a Jersey accent.

My gaze flashed to his honey brown eyes, "It's just Evie."

"You can call me Nico." A cheeky grin lifted the corner of his mouth white teeth shining in the warm light of the foyer.

I turned fully and crossed my arms under my breasts cocking my hip letting a playful smile spread over my features, "So tell me Nico, on a scale of one to ten how much trouble am I in?" His grin intensified and he shook his head in disbelief as I continued, "One being none at all and ten being a Thanos level threat."

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