Chapter 19. Say Something

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A/N Thank you everyone for your patience, I've had a crazy few weeks. Remember to feel the ambiance of this pic check out the playlists by the same name on Apple Music and Spotify Link is in my link tree. Love you all and enjoy!!

Evie POV Five years Ago

Every part of me burned. Every part of me ached. I thought that when we came out of the other side of this battle that I would be feeling something akin to happiness.

But I was not.

All I felt was loss.

"Mrs. Rogers?" A light feminine voice came from my side, it was one of the nurses. She had been exceptionally kind to me for the entirety of my stay. I was eager to get out of here regardless of her kindness. I was eager to get home and to attempt to try and live a normal life.

Little did I know that was not going to happen.

"Nurse Thompson," I smiled tiredly at her to find her brows drawn, the sky was still dark, the sun still beneath the horizon. "What is the matter?" I sat up straight in my bed as I noticed the tight look of tension on her features.

"Your husband," she cleared her throat, "Captain America..." she was nervous, and I didn't like her sudden trepidation, not when I'd never seen it before. Fear and dread began to crawl up my spine. "He asked me to tell you to ready yourself."

I blinked and took my lip between my teeth worrying that my worst fears were coming to fruition. "How long?" I asked and it was now Nurse Thompson's turn to blink at me.

"He just said be ready." She said as she shook her head.

I leapt from the bed ignoring the protests from my bossy nurse and began to dig through the small closest that was tucked in the corner of the room. A closet that Steve had placed a fresh set of gear into for me weeks ago. Not because I knew that we would need it but because we had learned a long time ago that it was never a bad thing to be prepared for anything.

I flung my hospital gown to the ground while the nurse stood stunned for a moment trying to process what was happening. Once she realized that my intentions were to leave, she seemed to jump into action.

"You can't leave yet; you've not been signed off by the Doctor." She said insistently but she did not try to stop me from changing. I slid my boots on over my suit and laced them quickly and efficiently and began to slide a harness over my black gear, the harness held tactical gear and weapons holsters, that would be filled once I rendezvoused with Steve.

"I don't think the Doctor will be able to stop me," I said through gritted teeth, dressing was much harder to do with the healing wound on my side, though the skin was closed, and the scar still pink my muscles still felt the ache, and still I awoke in the night with nightmares of being gored by Thanos. Over and over again the pain was just as fresh as when it had been first done to me, all those weeks ago now.

The nurse sighed and before I could do anything to stop her, she pulled me into her tight embrace and she held me so closely to her, "Thank you Mrs. Rogers." She whispered into my ear.

"What for?" I choked out emotions biting up inside of me.

"Trying." She whispered, before rushing me out of the room before I got caught by someone who would try to stop me from leaving.

My side ached painfully but once I pushed through the glass doors of the hospital entrance I came face to face with my husband, dark circles under his eyes, his beard ragged and unkempt, his hair so long now it curled wildly down his neck. When his eyes fell to mine relief washed through them and he pulled me to his chest and held me tensely for a few long moments.

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