Chapter 22. Bones + Joints

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** TW Violence, blood injury and mentions of torture and Brainwashing. Enjoy!

Steve POV

There was still so much blood, even after they stitched her. There were others in the room now after it was clear that even between the pair of them, they could not help her. Doctors, nurses, technicians, it was hard to distinguish one from the other with how quickly they moved around her. With how much blood that covered their scrubs, their hands, their shoes. With all of the shouting at one another as they tried their damnedest to save her, my mind stopped trying. It only prayed.

Save her.

They didn't ask me to leave, they didn't dare.

I did see curious eyes peer in my direction, while they worked on her, they looked in Strange's direction as well and of course at Evelyn, studying her face when they could look away from her wound, to gaze upon the woman they had seen on the news.

Captain America's wife.

My wife.

For all that they knew this was exactly the case, and I'd sooner keep it that way. They would sooner save my wife than deal with my wrath. Why would they want to save the woman who had jumped timelines.

The doors burst open tearing my eyes away from Evelyn momentarily as another young woman came into the room with three bags of blood in her shaking hands, her wide eyes looking terrified. There was so much blood everywhere. These new bags were to replace the others that they had already pumped into her, blood that she lost just as fast as they could replace it. This much blood seemed impossible, my own hands were sticky with it as it dried, my shirt stiff where I had held her to me. My mouth was dry, and I couldn't help but feel hopelessness burn low in my guts.

It took four doctors to stitch her up and still the blood slipped from her, two nurses on each side of her removed the glass from her hands and bandaged them up, the white gaze thick around her knuckles so starkly white against the blood.

Evelyn's face was so pale.

The blood had thankfully stopped dripping from her nose, though it still smeared the oxygen mask that was strapped over her head garishly.

I had felt Strange's eyes on me from where he stood close to her bed observing and occasionally instructing the others on what to do. I tore my eyes away from her and moved to him the grim expression on his face made me sweat. He made his way over to me. My stomach dropped expecting for him to tell me what I feared the most.

"She's in good hands Captain." He spoke as his eyes roamed my anxious face.

I couldn't help the anger that bled from my tone, "Good hands or not if she doesn't make it." I let the silent threat hang in the air between us. He didn't reply he only pressed his lips together, his eyes darting over his shoulder to Evelyn. Where the doctors began to ease off of her, their tasks finished, the bleeding easing, or at least that is what I hoped. "When I find out who did this, I'm going to rip them limb from limb." I snarled. It must have been voiced too loudly because a few of the doctors looked up offering me frightened looks. Afraid that if she did not make it, I would take my wrath out on them.

After a beat Strange spoke, his eyes roaming my face for answers to questions he did not ask, "You don't need to look far."

My head whipped in his direction, "What do you mean?"

"It was me." Time seemed to still for a moment as my brain took a moment to compute what he had just admitted to.

Faster than I thought I could even move I found myself rushing towards him. I had him by the collar, thick fabric bunched under my fingers and swiftly I pressed him into the wall behind us. Drywall cracked behind him in protest of my strength. The magical cape he wore struggled and twitched beneath my grasp as I held him there, "What the fuck do you mean it was you?!" I shook him slamming him back into the wall again none too gently.

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