•{ Chapter 3 }•

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Haru POV;-

Okay, how should I explain this myself? I mean I wake up in the morning like usual and prepare breakfast for my brother. After finishing that daily work in the morning, I went to the school like usual, yeah... but... trust me, it's weird the moment I step both of my feet past the school gate. The moment both my feet passed the gates, suddenly I realize that the school in front of me turned into a huge building? Like a school but more bigger.

I look on both sides to see some students with unfamiliar school uniforms while I look at myself to see that I'm still wearing my usual school uniform. I try to step outside the school gates but nothing happens, I'm still at the front of this weird building. I step inside again, but nothing happens!! I swear, people looking at me weirdly right now!!

I take out my phone and tried to call my brother but it say that the number didn't exist? So, I call anyone in my contacts, Manjirou, Baji, Kazutora, Draken, Senju, Kyoko, and more but all it says is that the phone numbers are didn't exist. I'm so done...

"Somebody....save me....", I mumbled as I knee dramatically with the world already crushed inside my brain.

It's not weird and didn't that panicked, I mean, I already died once and got reincarnated inside Tokyo Revengers world, so suddenly getting transported to another world is normal now for me, however, BRING ME BACK TO THE TOKYO REVENGERS WORLD!! I ...

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It's not weird and didn't that panicked, I mean, I already died once and got reincarnated inside Tokyo Revengers world, so suddenly getting transported to another world is normal now for me, however, BRING ME BACK TO THE TOKYO REVENGERS WORLD!! I DON'T WANT TO GO TO ANOTHER WORLD! I'M HAPPY IN THAT WORLD, WHAT THE FUCK?!

I'm panicking and angered all alone in front of the school gates and the students there seem to look at me more weirdly now. I calmed myself as decided to play along in this unfamiliar world that I don't know whatever this world is. I walked into the building that seem to be the school or academy?

I'm not even surprised or amazed that people staring at me since it's normal in my school in my world as well, the Tokyo Revengers world I mean. Yeah, I could hear that they gossip about how beautiful I am or if I was a transfer student. Let's just pretend to be a transfer student from now.

"Erm...miss.", one of the female students looks shyly suddenly greeting me. I smiled at her which a blush could be seen on every boy near there. "Erm...what's your name? Are you a transfer student?", she asked and I gladly answered her but somehow my answer makes her- no everyone shocked?

"Kazuki Haru, and yes, I'm a transfer student.", that is what I said and the shock on everyone's faces can be seen by me as they looked at me with disbelief and unbelievable. Why? Does my name is rare or what?

"Oh, my-is that really her?"

"Aren't she pretty right now?"

"Hey, Hey, with that face, she's equal with her brother now, isn't she?"

I can hear them all whispering behind my back, weird.... Why do they look like they know me? This is supposed to be the first day that I step my feet here, isn't it?

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