•{ Chapter 16 }•

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Hands still handshake each other between Mikey and R. Takemichi who was still stunned by what he heard from Mikey. He doesn't understand at all what the guy means and his expression showed everything to Mikey. Mikey let go of the guy's hand and put his hand back into his pocket with R. Takemichi who still waiting for his friend to explain.

"Mikey-kun...tell me...what do you mean by that you're not Mikey that I should be handshaking with? What do you mean that you're not the trigger? I can't understand at all.", said R. Takemichi in desperation asking for an explanation from Mikey. Mikey takes a few steps away, making the distance between them before he faces the guy again, and gives him a slightly gentle smile.

"This might sound nonsense...huh...well...I can't tell it's actually nonsense when I facing a guy with an ability to time leaping though. Well... neither you believe me or not, it all depends on you, Takemicchi.", said Mikey which R. Takemichi keeps silent himself as he looks at seriously at Mikey, ready and still waiting for the explanation. Then, Mikey's expression changed from gentle to gloomy as he started to speak.

"I came from another world.", said Mikey which surprised R. Takemichi a lot by the sudden statement. "I'm Mikey who came from another world, a world that is far more different than this world.", he said again which shocked R. Takemichi with every word that came out of the guy's mouth.

When was the last time R. Takemichi heard the word coming from another world? Yeah...probably from Seiyu and Haru who used to live in another world before they died and got reincarnated in his world. Then, does the Mikey in front of him actually the same as both siblings? Those that mean someone else in Mikey's body or the guy mean in actually different ways?

"Are you.....a reincarnator?", asked R. Takemichi carefully with his words but it shocked him more when Mikey showed a confused reaction on his face. 'He isn't reincarnator?!!', his thoughts say after seeing Mikey's reaction which showed that he has no idea what R. Takemichi was asking him.

"I don't understand what you're saying but I'm from another world. Something like another dimension with some similarities to this world.", that explanation caught off R. Takemichi's guard as he tried to process what Mikey just said.

'Another dimension that is similar to this world?',  R. Takemichi thoughts asking himself as he looks at Mikey cluelessly. He experienced and heard many types of things that were impossible to happen such time leaping and reincarnation but another dimension is something new to him. "Then, how did you end up here? Where's this world Mikey-kun?!"

"I...don't know...where's is he...."


"Time and space started to break apart, Takemicchi. Everything got too mixed up and messed up the world. You experienced that yourself.", said Mikey which R. Takemichi looks so confused, wondering when he experience those things. "I'm talking about why no one remembers aniki and Haruchin. Have you ever thought about why those happened to us?", that question suddenly ring in R. Takemichi's mind, making him flinch lil bit.

"Do you realize...how desperate the world trying to erase aniki and Haruchin existence. Leaving nothing left behind in this world. The photo content none of those two, not even belonging were left behind, and even trying to erase our memories about them.", said Mikey which those words started to terrify R. Takemichi one by one, how scary those crazy things have caused to them.

"How...did you still remember this?"

"Cause I keep myself aware...every day for 10 years after I ended up in this world alone.", said Mikey with eyes filled with sadness. "10 years ago....when I arrived in this world, the first thing that comes warm up to me is... being welcomed back home by people that I been missing a lot.", he said as he recalled back 10 years ago when he was welcomed by R. Emma and R. Izana at the Sano's dojo.

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