•{ Chapter 8 }•

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Both R. Haru and Yuna's dad are staring at each other while the others just staring at them, not even making any sound as they observe them from afar. Y. Kyoko really didn't believe what she sees, not a few days ago she was a different kind of girl, and now? How the girl could change this much after her boyfriend cheating on her.

"Anything to say, sir? Before you go fuc- I mean get out of the school? We still have a next period to continue.", said R. Haru with an innocent smile on her face, making the man annoyed at how daring she is. However, he can't go more any further, if he continues, he just received embarrassment in the end. Being defeated by 16 years old brat, it's a girl on top of that, it's enough for today.

"You're lucky for today.", he said as he just turn and walked away like nothing had happened, making R. Haru surprised lil bit.

"Wow. Is he being merciless or is he stupid? He can just drop me out of the academy or anything. Welp- guess I'm lucky that I didn't let myself drop out of the school. Or else...how I'm going to explain to my other self after this...", mumbled R. Haru all alone as she thinks about her actions that would lead to Y. Haru dropping from the school. "Kyoko! You should go to your class now!"

"Erm...your arm? It's okay, right?", asked the pink hair girl worryingly.

"Yup! I'm fine!!", she said and Y. Kyoko nodded toward the girl before leaving for her class. With R. Haru, she just smiled but actually, she pretended to be okay. "Damn, I think it leaves some bruises.", she mumbled while holding her right arm, the arm that was kicked strongly by one of the 4 bodyguards that laying on the floor right now.

"Who is going to get this all bodyguards?"


After many hours already passed in the school, R. Haru safely went back home without meeting anyone that picked a fight with her. Kyoko did want to go back together but of course, R. Haru can't let that happen. There are many unexpected living things at home right now, so NO!

"I'm home!!!", said R. Haru while entering the house but only to see R. Seiyu who is smiling at her at the front door, as he had been waiting for her to get back home. Y. Haru looks very worried, while some of the boys look at her with admiration. O. Mikey pays no mind at all to her and just sits on the couch like usual of him and Y. Seiyu is leaning at the wall with a cup of drinks in his hands as he looks at R. Haru. "Erm... what is this?"

"Mind to explain this?", asked R. Seiyu while showing the video of her fighting the bodyguards today at the school, making the girl flinch and look at Y. Seiyu.

'THAT SNITCH!!!', R. Haru thoughts as she looks at Y. Seiyu who acted as if he did nothing wrong. Well- it's not his fault though because R. Seiyu already messaged him before to look after R. Haru at the school but the guy ended up receiving a video of his sister causing the scene at the school. "Well......"

"Haih...Haru said that the man is the one who sponsored the school, sis. You almost get Haru dropped out of the academy.", said R. Seiyu while facepalming her forehead while R. Haru just pouting annoyedly.

"Come on...if I didn't fight back, it was me who will go to the hospital bed after this. It's called self-defense, okay.", said R. Haru back to her brother. R. Seiyu just sighed as he can't argue even more since his sister said it's true. He then patted the short blonde hair girl which startled her lil bit.

"Don't rush next time, okay?"


Both Y. Seiyu and Y. Haru look at both siblings stunningly. At that moment, Y. Seiyu suddenly remembers what R. Haru said to him at the school.

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