•{ Chapter 5 }•

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Alright, everyone. I realize that some of you getting confused with the characters so, I will make it easier for you guys!!😁✨

For original Tokyo Revenger characters, I will put 'O' in the front of their name as the original. Like :

-O. Mikey

-O. Takemichi

-O. Ran

-O. Rindou

And more of them...😬✨

As for Rewrite The Story characters, I will put 'R' at the front of their name. Like :

-R. Haru

-R. Mikey

-R. Seiyu

And more of them....😉✨

And last, as for You're My Fate characters, I will put 'Y' at the front of their name, like :

-Y. Haru

-Y. Seiyu

-Y. Mikey

And be more of them as the story ongoing ~😬✨

That's all, let's go with the story now!!😆🍿


Both R. Haru and Y. Haru are staring at each other with them being confused for a few minutes before R. Haru started to speak.

"Nissan. She's not me and at the same time she also me.", said R. Haru as she walks closer to the three. R. Seiyu is confused as he looks at his sister and then turns to look at his other sister of him as well. He just finished buying some stuff from convenience stores and is about to walk back home but at the same time, he sees O. Senju and Y. Haru which he didn't realize that he had been transported to another world right the moment he stepped on his feet outside the stores.

"Huh? What are you talking about, sis?"

"Look at your surroundings, nissan. This isn't our world.", said R. Haru which the guy finally realizes the place as he looks at an unfamiliar hemisphere house. He turns back in shock as he sees a dorayaki store, not the convenience store that he walked in a moment ago.

"Huh? What the- so this reason why I can't reach you at all?"

"Yeah. I also can't reach you the moment I arrived in this world.", explained R. Haru which O. Senju and Y. Haru are looking at the siblings weirdly. Y. Haru seems lil bit envious of how good the relationship of them is even though she can recognize the girl in front of her as the other-self of her. "Anyway, I didn't expect to meet you this early but nice to meet you, my other self.", said R. Haru with a smile on her face.

'She so pretty...is she really my other self?', Y. Haru thoughts as she stares at the girl. "Nice to meet you as well.", Y. Haru greet her back which make the girl lil bit surprised.

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