•{ Chapter 20 }•

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R. Haru finally arrived home with O. Mikey as she looked inside the house which was all messed up, so messed up that couldn't be described. Just how crazy has R. Mikey gone crazy for him to destroy like all inside the house?

"Look what have you done, stupid sis....", R. Seiyu mumbled as he lay on the floor, he looked so messy as he just fought over his life just to stop R. Mikey's rumbling.

Not just him, but seems R. Haru can see Y. Seiyu landed against the wall with blood (tomato sauce) on his shirt, dying of tiredness. O. Ran lying while writing R. Mikey's name on the floor with the tomato sauce, as he leaves some hint of someone killing him. O. Chifuyu and O. Takemichi on the sofa, seem already down...so down...

O. Hanma vomiting so loud at the toilet, O. Mitsuya sitting outside in the backyard with O. Hakkai convinced him, seems O. Mitsuya had a tough life for a moment, as he questioned himself. The adult gang, O. Wakasa and O. Benkei just sitting at the dining table, sipping tea as everything happened have nothing to do with them.

In short, everyone is game over just handling R. Mikey alone.

"........", no words can be describe by R. Haru, she's just speechless for her. "Where's...Manjirou?", finally R. Haru asked.

"Ah?! You finally back!", Y. Haru said as she went down from the second floor, looking at R. Haru with signs of relief.


"No time for that! Go go go! Go up!!", Y. Haru said as she pulled R. Haru inside the house and pushed her up to the second floor. "You better convince him!", Y. Haru words as R. Haru looked at her and nodded.

She was finally in front of the room, somehow she was anxious to get inside. R. Mikey is her boyfriend so there's nothing to be worried about but...just but this time...it's different. She knocks on the door and no answer from inside. Again, she knocks but and answers remain the same, no response.

R. Haru decided to get inside herself as she opened the room, dark, no lights, somehow the genre turned horror so suddenly.

"Manjirou....?", she ushered called but no response. She slowly goes inside, might as well trying to turn on the lights but before she can even do so, the door is closed, flinching the girl a bit.

She turned to look back at the door, walking towards it as she was about to open but before she could, another hand grabbed and stopped her. R. Mikey looks down at his girlfriend, his cold eyes staring piercingly at her before he breaks the silence.


"I'm not cheating.", immediately R. Haru said which a bit confused and surprised the guy. It's dark so she can't see much the expression of the guy.

"I know."

"Eh? Then, why did you-", before R. Haru could finish her sentence, R. Mikey suddenly carried her up. He walked closer to the bed as he placed her gently down on the bed. He gazed down at her which made the girl blush by their position. Even if it's dark but still....

"Sometimes you sure know how to get me high up, Haruchin...", a deep voice whispered near her ear, a little bit give a small chilly.

"Wai-wait, Manjirou...."

"Yes, babe?"

"I—", that comes out of nowhere from him, leaving Haru speechless. She really was in silence for a few words. She just can't form any words of response to what Mikey's addressed her just now. R. Haru could feel the guy's breath slowly closer to her, a bit making her embarrassed more.

She could feel a warm touch caressing her body, making her flinch a bit. Even so, she didn't resist, it wasn't like she had any reason to, nor like this situation ever happened between them before.

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