•{ Chapter 19 }•

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The school is now over as all students walk out of the academy. Y. Kyoko did want to walk home together with R. Haru, but the blonde hair girl refused since she don't want the girl meets some bratty gangs at home, plus, she receives a message about meeting with someone.

She walked up the stairs to the rooftop of the school building, opening the door as she could see the guy with blonde hair waiting for her.

"Weird that you ask for a meeting, Mikey.", said R. Haru as she looks blankly at Y. Mikey. If you asked how Y. Mikey have the girl's phone number, let's say they exchange phone number. "So? What it is now?", she asked, only to receive as stares from the guy.

Y. Mikey is about to say something but somehow his mouth is heavy to even say any words. R. Haru realized that as she let out a small sigh and smiled lil bit.

"Did you have anything to do right now?", asked R. Haru which caught the guy's attention on her. Mikey shook his head, in saying that he currently has free time. "Wanna grab something to eat?"



Now, both of them are in front of dorayaki's store, waiting for their dorayaki.

"I don't know that you love dorayaki as well.", said Y. Mikey.

"Well, that means you don't know that your ex-girlfriend also loves dorayaki then.", said R. Haru which flinch the guy as the 'ex-girlfriend' words were mentioned.

"Just because you're Haruchin from another world, doesn't mean both of you are the same person.", said Y. Mikey again as he stares at the dorayaki being cooked up together with R. Haru who standing beside him.

"You're right about that. However, too bad, we are all just the same in the end. It's just the way us living is different. Just like you, who hiding something right now.", again Y. Mikey flinch which was noticed by R. Haru. The guy stays still and chooses to stay silent as he avoided the stares from the girl.


"Forget it. You seemed don't want to talk about that secret things, so fine, I won't force you. But just want to remind you, Mikey. You have family and friends supporting around you.", said R. Haru which makes the blonde hair guy's eyes widen. "You seriously don't need to face all of them all by yourself. And sometimes...your actions and decisions might leads to a misunderstanding."

".....", Y. Mikey really has no words to answer. But one thing for sure he knows, the girl knows him so well. What kind of person he is? Yes, R. Haru knows him so well.

"Here, the dorayaki.", the seller said while passing the paper bag to R. Haru as the girl paid for them.

"Thank you.", R. Haru said with a smile on her face. "Here.", she then gives one of the paper bags to Y. Mikey which the guy stares at them for a moment before accepting them.

"Thank you.", the guy muttered with his eyes still on the paper bag. Then, a notification on R. Haru's phone distracted them as she opened and read the message.

My Dorayaki boyfie🥰💕






-Where are you?!



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