•{ Chapter 6 }•

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The sound of birds chirping in the morning slowly woke up a blonde hair boy from his sleep. His eyes look tired and sleepy which makes him imagine his girlfriend laying beside him on the bed.

"Ohayo, Manjirou."

"........", it becomes a normal life for R. Mikey to see his girlfriend. There's is no a day that he wouldn't even meet or look at her for once and yesterday was the first time for R. Mikey, didn't even meet with R. Haru. Not even once.

Seeing how R. Haru isn't beside him on the bed, R. Mikey wakes up from the bed as he walked down to the kitchen, hoping the girl would be there since she will always be in the kitchen, preparing breakfast for him and R. Seiyu. However, R. Mikey sees no one. Not even the sight of R. Seiyu at the dining table.

It's quiet as the house is uninhabited. He opened his phone to see many messages from the group, even personal messages from R. Draken, R. Baji, R. Kazutora, and R. Chifuyu as well. He tried to dial both R. Haru and R. Seiyu again and the answers were still the same as yesterday. They're unreadable.

At this moment, R. Mikey is blanked. He doesn't know what he should do anymore. He just wants his R. Haru right now. It just feels like a nightmare to him as he stands all alone in the empty house. Mikey then looks at the kitchen as he smiled sadly and says....

"I want my breakfast, Haruchin...."


After a long weird and tiring day for everyone yesterday, they all have a good dinner together last night and divided the place to sleep in the house. There are 5 rooms in the house which 2 of them already belong to both Y. Haru and Y. Seiyu, the 3 more are the guest rooms. R. Haru takes one of the rooms and slept with O. Senju. One of the rooms takes by O. Mikey since the guy didn't want to mix himself with others. The last room was taken by Wakasa and Benkei. The rest of them will be sleeping together in the living room.

It's a great night for them and not gonna lie, R. Seiyu even gets along with them all very easily since he knows the kind personalities of them despite being in a different world. R. Haru has a great girl night with O. Senju and Y. Haru especially when O. Senju asked about herself in R. Haru's world and how the relationship of her with R. Seiyu. O. Senju really blushed a lot that night when listening to R. Haru's story, about how she makes her brother confess to R. Senju without him realizing it. Only O. Mikey didn't go out of the room that night as he just want to be alone.

Night going well for everyone in the new world for them and the morning comes out fast. O. Mikey is finally out of his room as he trying to find something to eat since he is hungry, but that makes him encounter R. Haru who preparing breakfast in the kitchen. Awkward, of course only on O. Mikey's side since he didn't know the girl and lil bit surprised after finding out that she also dating another him in her world but different from this world who cheated on other self of her. Himself in R. Haru's world didn't cheat on her.

"Ohayo, Manjirou.", was weird for O. Mikey when someone called him by his first name. And it was also a habit for R. Haru since she used to call R. Mikey by his first name instead of his usual nickname. "Sorry, a habit of mine. Even you from another world, your face still looks the same to me.", said R. Haru with a smile on while Mikey just stared at her with his usual expressionless face. He just come to the kitchen to find something to eat but now, he doesn't know anymore.

"Want me to make an egg flip sunny-side up and crush it for you?", she suddenly asked which caught O. Mikey's attention. Usually, it's his sister, Emma will prepare the breakfast for him but she was longer with him after what happened 2 years ago in his world. O. Mikey is actually sad but this guy just doesn't show how weak he is. He just keeps everything to himself like usual he would do.

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