•{ Chapter 15 }•

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"Aniki...? Haruchin....?", R. Takemichi mumbled as he was still confused with the message from Mikey. He turns back the photo and looks at it, staring at everyone in the photo but he still doesn't understand what or who is this aniki and Haruchin that Mikey means.

He keeps staring at the photo nonstop, trying to find any clues and somehow the aniki words is felt familiar to him. But he didn't remember when or who he call aniki. As he keep staring at the group photo, something finally caught his attention.

It's the distance between Mikey and Emma in the middle. It's weird no matter how R. Takemichi looks at it. Why would be a distance between Mikey and Emma? It's as something...or someone supposed to be there.

"Erghh....", suddenly R. Takemichi feels a headache as he tries to figure out or remember something. Suddenly, a quick flashback of some memories appears in R. Takemichi's mind.

Takemicchi! Hina-chan! Here! Sit down here!!

R. Takemichi could remember the time where's Mikey called both him and Hina to sit in front of him during they wanted to take a photo in the past. Yeah...he clearly remembers that time but strangely he remembers another voice shouting.

Izana! Emma! Come here!!

It's a voice that somehow feels familiar to him, but R. Takemichi couldn't remember. Who? Who's voice is that? Why? Why can't remember the person's face? The headache just getting more and more painful for R. Takemichi as he forced himself to remember. He feels like if he gives up to remember right now, he would regret it for the rest of his life.

In his memories, he looks at everyone, in their position to take a photo together. But at glance behind him, besides Mikey, besides Emma...there is someone there and Someone behind both Mikey and that person. But who? R. Takemichi couldn't see it. Even though he could hear their voice, he can't see the face, he don't remember who. He doesn't even remember their name. Just one clue...he just need one clue at that moment.

And that moment...he finally got his clue, in the middle of his headache.

I will be beside Haru-chan!!

It's Emma's voice that shattered everything hiding behind the truth. Everything suddenly became so clear to R. Takemichi. He finally sees the faces. He burst into tears as soon as he remembers it.

"How can....?", mumbled R. Takemichi as he kneeled with tears dripping down on the floor. "How can....I forgot about Haru-san.... and .....aniki....?", his tears won't stop watering his face as his mind is filled with all memories that he almost lost.

R. Takemichi immediately wakes up and looks at the photo. Yeah...there's no mistake...Haru and Seiyu disappeared from the photo like they just suddenly disappeared from his memories. Ignore the photo, R. Takemichi rush out of his apartment, running around the neighborhood as he started to recall back his memories.

'Yeah! This street! HOW COULD I FORGET THE STREET THAT I BEEN COMING WITH EVERYONE TOWARDS ANIKI AND HARU-SAN'S HOUSE?!!!', R. Takemichi's mind screamed as he blamed himself for forgetting something important. He keeps running and running until he arrives at the house which he looks at it with widening eyes. An abandoned house...look so old and no one has been living there for 10 years.

R. Takemichi walked inside the house as he ignore the fear and turn on the light from his phone since it was dark inside. His eyes again shed tears as he remembers the place is all stay the same as it should be like in past. Nothing changed inside the house except the fact it looks old, dirty with dust, and spiders' webs are everywhere in the house.

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