•{ Chapter 18 }•

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"Ermm....nee...Seiyu-san.", the boy with blonde hair come closer to R. Seiyu looking anxious over his face as he worries about something, lil bit makes R. Seiyu worried.

"Yes, Takemichi?"

"About Haru-san, Ran-san, Mitsuya-kun, and Kaku-chan...I'm worried if they might encounter anyone who recognizes them. It-Its not like I don't trust Haru-san but....how will she and others handle that kind of situation?", asked O. Takemichi panicky to the guy who looked at him blankly before he smiled at him.

"No need to worry about them, Takemichi. It might look like that, but my sis chooses people that are good with the sign of handling tense situations like Mitsuya and Kakucho, even though I don't know why she chooses Ran...", said R. Seiyu which O. Takemichi understood what he said makes some sense to him.

Even though R. Seiyu says that, lil bit inside he still worried about those 4. Now, let's go back to those 4 who encounter Y. Hanma.

"I guess...we gonna have lil bit problem right here.....", muttered R. Haru which O. Mitsuya and O. Kakucho nodded their head in agreement with what the girl said.

"Kinda weird combination.", said Y. Hanma as the smile was still on his face, amusingly at the sight.

"Well, it's not your business actually.", O. Ran said which makes R. Haru glance at him worriedly, not because she worried that they would fight but because she worried if O. Ran says anything weird that related to them.

"Let's just leave, Ran.", said R. Haru which the guy who glanced at her who gave a signal to not continue any conversation with O. Hanma. The guy just being obedient and turns back as he walked away, not even saying any words as O. Mitsuya and O. Kakucho just follow up with him.

Then, R. Haru turns as she is about to walk away, following the three at the front until she feels a tap on her shoulder which comes to a reflex instinct to back spin kick to behind.


The scene shocked them all, especially O. Hanma who barely managed to block Haru's strong spin kick. It hurt and O. Hanma has to admit it as it feels like the bones of his wrist would break at any moment.

"Gomen. I'm kinda sensitive when people suddenly touch me like that.", said R. Haru.

"Damn~ you really something.", said O. Hanma with an amusing grin on his face, seemed like he enjoyed the situation instead of getting shaken off. Lowering her leg down, R. Haru just backed away lil bit from O. Hanma who seem correcting his wrist. "That's hurt.", he said and R. Haru just shrugged off.

"We're not part of your problem anyway, so let's just leave things right here, kay? Those bratty boys sleeping there, do something about them.", said R. Haru.

"Nahh~ too much work.", answered O. Hanma playfully as his eyes secretly glanced at the three guys who seem lil bit on guard.

"Well, suit yourself then.", said R. Haru blankly as she ignored the guy and started to walk away from the place. Surprisingly this time Y. Hanma don't follow them as he continues to stare at them with eyes full of entertainment, no one knows what playing inside this guy's head actually.

'There's something they trying to hide. I can smell that~', Y. Hanma's thought.


"Does he still follows us?", asked R. Haru.

"No. Not anymore.", answered O. Mitsuya as he looks at the back, checking if Y. Hanma followed them or not. Hearing that, the three of them except O. Ran let out a sigh of relief, finally able to escape the guy even lil bit they were acting awkward and suspicious.

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