•{ Chapter 17 }•

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It is still day but not that much, it's almost darker before the night filled the skies. Somehow, R. Haru managed to take care of both Mikeys, well even lil bit get hurt from trying to stop them. R. Mikey is the most panicked one after seeing his girlfriend get hurt though and keeps apologizing even though R. Haru didn't mind about that so much.

O. Mikey? Well, he was just being himself, not even saying a sorry word as he just ignored it. Hmm...maybe lil bit, just lil bit, he did feel guilt.

"There....", said Y. Haru after treating small wounds on R. Haru's face and lil bit on her hand since she almost used all of her energy just to stop both Mikeys.

"Thanks.", said R. Haru with a smile on her face, and receiving a smile as well from her other self. "Anyway...there's more time before night, I don't think we have many ingredients in the kitchen...so, I need to buy it for dinner tonight.", said R. Haru.

"Nissan!", called R. Haru to her brother who is laying on the couch, watching some drama together with some other Kanto and Toman members.

"What?", he asked.

"I need money for dinner tonight.", she said which R. Seiyu looks at his sister for a moment before taking out his phone. Then, a ring of notification could be heard from R. Haru's phone which she looks at her phone to see his brother already transferred the money to her. "How did you-?"

"I learned something interesting in this world though. Surprising it is similar to our world.", said R. Seiyu with a smile on his face as he mean a world before their reincarnation. "I make a new account in this world for us, even Mikey had one.", he added which R. Mikey smile while showing his phone and the account.

"The money?"

"I used his laptop and used my business knowledge though. Mikey and Koko did help me with it as well, so I give them some money as the payback for the help.", said R. Seiyu as he pointed at Y. Seiyu as he means that he used his laptop to do some business work while O. Kokonoi smiled as he makes a peace sign to R. Haru after the guy mentioned him.

R. Haru is a bit impressive but not too much since she knows so well that his brother knows how to use his knowledge when the situation needs to. Y. Seiyu listened to the conversation, his thoughts so much how different between him and the other of him. Even though both of them are geniuses, he doesn't have something that even R. Seiyu has.

Y. Seiyu did teach R. Seiyu how their world system and work like. And when Y. Seiyu lend some of his money to R. Seiyu, he did impress by how the guy could make more money just by the money he borrowed. Well, R. Seiyu did pay back the money he borrowed though.

"Alright, nissan! Thanks! Btw, I need a gofer.", said R. Haru with an innocent smile on her face which caught some of the boys' attention on her.

"HARU-CHAN!! LET ME GO WITH YOU!", shout O. Ran.


"SHUT THE FUCK UP YAR ALL! I WILL GO WITH HER!!", O. Smiley is the one who demands.

Some of them shouting, bickered, and fought with each other as to who will go with R. Haru, making O. Mikey just sit on the couch with his usual expressionless face and R. Mikey laughed at the sight while R. Seiyu just scoffed since he understands well why they behave like that, probably want to go out so badly after fail to face him.

"Just what happened here when I was at the school?", asked R. Haru while Y. Haru just let out an awkward laugh at the girl.


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