•{ Chapter 21 }•

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The next day is the day off of the school. R. Haru decided to go hang out and have fun, of course not alone. She brought Y. Haru with her and left everyone out at home in R. Seiyu's care. R. Haru the one who dresses up a bit and wear a mask since they're don't want to look like 2 people at the same time, it's might work for strangers if they're acting like a twin but that's won't work if someone from the same academy saw them, so that's why R. Haru needs to wear a mask.


"Oh! Haru-chan!!", an unexpected guy just ruined everything instantly.

It's just unlucky to meet Hanma Shuuji out of many people they can meet in the city.

"Ha-Haru???", Y. Haru whispered nervously at R. Haru as she looked at Y. Hanma who walked closer to them. R. Haru facepalm her forehead, thinking how unlucky she is now.

"Just act normal. You know Hanma from our house, right? They are just the same, so act normal. Just act like how you act with Kanto Hanma at our house.", R. Haru whispered to Y. Haru and the girl nodded understandably. "And also act like you feel annoyed seeing him.", R. Haru added more advice.

"Don't expect to see you here. So? Since you're here, let's do what we're promised.", he said which Y. Haru turned to look at R. Haru, wondering for a hint of what they're promised each other.

"Hangout. I promised to hang out with him, in exchange for shutting his mouth from what he saw me, Ran, and Mitsuya together before.", R. Haru secretly explained to Y. Haru.

"Ah....", Y. Haru seemed to catch the situation and turned to look at Y. Hanma. "Okay.", she answered with a blank tone, since she needed to act a bit like how R. Haru.

"Hmmm...who's that?", Y. Hanma asked while looking at R. Haru who flinched and covered her face with the cap, luckily she had the mask on.

 Haru who flinched and covered her face with the cap, luckily she had the mask on

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"Oh...she's my cousin. Her name is..."

"Haruha.", R. Haru muttered sheepishly.

"Hmm...your voice kinda sounded similar...", Y. Hanma comments while staring at both of them suspiciously which makes both girls flinch.

"Well, we're cousins. It's normal that sometimes people thought that our voices sounded similar.", Y. Haru explained, trying her best not to look nervous while R. Haru nodded in agreement with what Y. Haru said. Well, Y. Hanma seems suspicious of them but he decides to put that aside first for now.

"Ehem...So? What do you want to do?", Y. Haru asked while acting as tough as she could.

"Arcade. Let's go!"

"Can my cousin join us?"

"Yeah, sure. The more people, the more fun it will be .", Y. Hanma said.

"Alright, great!! Ehem...I mean...great.", Y. Haru excitedly said but quickly changed her tone and acted tough back, receiving a weird look from R. Haru.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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