•{ Chapter 10 }•

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After the awkward chaos in the evening with the appearance of R. Mikey, well, they thought that they will feel awkward with him since O. Mikey in their world is cold and changed so much...However....

"HAH!! YOU STEP ON MY TERRITORY! NOW PAY ME BACK, TAKEMICCHI!!!", shout R. Mikey as all Toman members are now sitting in a circle while playing monopoly while the Kanto members just watching them playing. Takemichi has a shocked face as he didn't believe that he has stepped into the wrong person's territory.

"Don't worry, partner....I will support you from the sideless after you have gone bankrupt.", said O. Chifuyu while patting the boy's back.

"You're not helping me at all, Chifuyu...."

"How the fuck he got so many buildings at his every territory.", asked O. Smiley as he looks at the R. Mikey's territory which was full of buildings that he got.

"He even got a nice and expensive land as well.", said O. Pehyan while R. Mikey smirk proudly while getting the money from O. Takemichi who hesitated to give his money away. Now it's O. Mitsuya's turn and he is unluckily stopped at Mikey's territory again.


"HAHAHAHAHAHA!! YOU STEP ON MY MOST EXPENSIVE LAND! PAY ME DOUBLE OF TAKEMICCHI'S DEBT, MITSUYA!", shouts R. Mikey which a lilac hair boy who is having a bankruptcy crisis as he knows that he will lose so much money thanks to Mikey's land.

"THIS IS UNFAIR!! HOW THE FUCK YOU EVEN GOT ALMOST ALL THE LAND?!!", shouts O. Pahchin as he was annoyed by the truth of the game right now.

"Strategy, Pa...it called strategy....", said R. Mikey.

"You have brain for that?", asked O. Smiley.

"You got problems with me having a brain in making money?", asked R. Mikey back with an innocent smile but an irked still could be seen on the blonde hair boy as he was annoyed by the question.

"Brat, you almost failed the math test. I also lose my hope in teaching you math with a small brain of yours.", said R. Seiyu as he interrupted their conversation.

"ANIKI! DON'T NEED TO EXPOSE MY STUPIDITY!!", shout R. Mikey as he hits the guy's leg playfully while R. Seiyu just let out a chuckle.

"Aren't you stupid since the beginning?", asked O. Pahchin which R. Mikey looks at him in disbelief.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!! LOL! PAH- ARE YOU REPLACING KAZUTORA AND BAJI'S JOB?!", asked R. Seiyu between his laughter while the rest is lil bit shocked and confused by what he said.

"Kazutora?", O. Mitsuya asked weirdly since, in their world, Kazutora is currently at Juvie.

"Ahh..Kazutora didn't end in the Juvie after the blood Halloween battle. He stays with us after that. Well...he and Baji became chaotic buddies and always pissing Mikey when they have time.", explained R. Seiyu which they were a lil bit shocked to hear that. Lil bit they're the envy of their world, Baji is alive and Kazutora stay with them, became friends and things. In mind, they wished something like that happened to them as well.

"Gomen.", suddenly R. Mikey apologized which caught their all attention on him. "You guys might feel this unfair, right? How our world sounds more peaceful than yours.", said R. Mikey who didn't face them as he looks at the game board. The guy didn't wrong, they did feel it unfair, looking at how different R. Mikey is than O. Mikey.

'Mikey-kun probably will be like him....if everything goes well....', Takemichi thoughts as he looks at R. Mikey with eyes full of sadness. The atmosphere suddenly becomes gloomy among the Toman members and the Kanto members look at them awkwardly. Feeling heavy as well with the heavy silence in the living room.

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