•{ Chapter 4 }•

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At the school with the normal atmosphere around the corridor every lunchtime, peaceful students eating their lunch with their friends could be seen around the class, cafeteria, gym, and more except for one person.

"Haruchin didn't come to the school?", asked the blonde hair boy as he visited the class and stood in front of the girl with light pink hair.

"No, she didn't. Kyoko and I tried to call her many times but it's say the number is unreachable.", explained Senju to Mikey who is looking for Haru since the guy sometimes would have his lunch with his girlfriend. "She isn't with you this morning, Mikey?"

"No. I didn't sleep at their house last night because Emma needs me for some work at home.", said Mikey which both Senju and Mikey thinks about where the girl had disappeared to. "Did you ask aniki?"

"Yes, Sei said Haru with him this morning. She even prepared the breakfast like usual he said.", said Senju again which Mikey thought about deeply. He started to worry now, Haru didn't come to the school and they even can't reach her by phone.

"Something is not right here....", said Mikey as his expression became serious and darkened. "It's not like Haruchin to skip the school without telling any of us...I mean, knowing Haruchin, if she wants to skip school, at least she would drag Baji or Kazutora with her. I'm jealous that she didn't even drag me, her boyfriend...", said Mikey with an ugly annoying face as he was a jealous boy with his best friends.

"That's what you are concerned about more?", asked Senju who looks at him unbelievably. "So? What should we do now?", asked Senju.

"Let's wait after the school is over first. Maybe Haruchin will be back home? Or today she might want to be alone somewhere else...I don't know anymore. If she still didn't come back home tonight, I'm really gonna search her every place in Tokyo.", said Mikey as he was serious about what he said. Senju looks at him for a second before nodding her head.

"I will inform you anything if Haru message or call me again.", said Senju which Mikey nodded his head and started to walk away back to his class.

"Just where are you, Haruchin...", mumbled Mikey as he walked away back to his class with worried all over him.


As the Toman president in another world is worrying about his girlfriend, Haru who is in another world acting on behalf of the other-self of her that she didn't even meet yet. The other self of her since not coming to the school or academy whatsoever they called.

"Maybe she is awkward coming to the school? Well- seeing how all of them keep looking at me...I guess it's about that cheating issue.", mumbled Haru as she sat at her desk in the class. She relief lil bit that the other her not coming to the school today since it might be awkward for both of them to meet each other.

Haru also thought that the other of her might be the original one since she was just a reincarnator that used to die and live in someone else's body who already died in her world. And this world right now, there's no such reincarnation things happen to Haru in this world, so she the original one of Haru.

"Kazuki-san.", called one of the male students which seem to be the class monitor in the class. "The teacher called you.", he said and Haru could figure out what will happen after this, seems it was regarding her kicking this world Yuna's head. She just follow the flow as she woke up from her seat and walked toward the teachers' room.

"Yes?", asked Haru as she finally arrived in front of the male teacher around 5o years old or more. Not only him but looks like every teacher in the room seem shocked after seeing Haru, maybe because she looks different from what she used to which they all mistakenly her with au of her.

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