•{ Chapter 11 }•

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The night went well after dinner except for the fact that O. Mikey just goes back to the room while R. Mikey is spending time with others in the living room or more like having crazy pillow fights with them. Well, R. Mikey did want to drag O. Mikey to join them but the guy just strongly rejected him, and he just slammed the room door right in front of R. Mikey's face.

Since it's useless to force him now, R. Mikey just continues the world war with Toman members which somehow gets the Kanto members which is O. Madarame, O. Ran, O. Rindou, O. Kokonoi, O. Sanzu, and O. Kakucho also joined with them. O. Wakasa and O. Benkei just watching the chaos with R. Seiyu who is sipping his drinks while Y. Seiyu looked at them with disbelief, the fuck were they even messing in the house around like nothing?!

"GET EM!!!", shout O. Ran who acted as the leader of the Kanto gang and attack the Toman members.

"WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU ON THEIR SIDE, HARUCHIN?!! AND WHY MUST BE THAT RANANNABBLE'S JACKET OUT OF MANY PEOPLE?!!", shouts R. Mikey as the girl is attacking Toman members with the pillow.

"STOP BEING JEALOUS OF RAN AND I ALWAYS WANT TO EXPERIENCE BEING IN KANTO FOR ONCE, BITCH!!!", shouts R. Haru as he wearing Ran's Kanto jacket on her back which a word of betrayal slapped on R. Mikey's face.

"Is their relationship always that? And why is Mikey really jealous of Ran?", asked O. Wakasa to R. Seiyu.

"Yea...it's normal for them. About Mikey being jealous of Ran, well...it's just some small incidents that happen during the sports festival in our world~", said R. Seiyu with an amusing smile as he recalls back the incident in which R. Haru and R. Ran accidentally kissed each other thanks to Baji and that's where's R. Mikey started to hold jealousy towards Ran.

"THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!! TAKE THAT DISGUSTING SHIT OF YOU!! I DON'T WANT ANY OF HIS SCENT ON YOU OR ELSE I GOING TO CLEAN ALL OF YOUR FUCKING BODY TONIGHT!!", that's words suddenly stop everyone's axe as they look at R. Mikey with a total shock, unbelievable, and a face that says 'did we heard it wrong?!'.

"Mikey- that's sounds....", said O. Pehyan with O. Hakkai, O. Takemichi, O. Chifuyu, and O. Angry who covered their mouth in shock with a blush on their face.

"Wow- I don't even fuck any girl in Roppongi yet but he already did? Respect and Impressive shit from me.", said O. Ran in total shock as he didn't believe what he just heard. R. Haru is really blushing so hard as no words come out of her mouth as she looks at her boyfriend flusteringly while Y. Haru somehow is embarrassed even though it's not her that R. Mikey mentioned just now.

"Manjirou...that's....", R. Haru fell to their knees as she drowned her face in the pillow, too much embarrassed to even want to face her boyfriend again while R. Mikey just pouting annoyedly as he stills didn't get over with Ran's jacket issue yet. R. Seiyu didn't say anything or more like he didn't want to say anything since he knows if he interfere, R. Mikey won't hesitate to expose him and R. Senju to others.

As R. Haru is having her embarrassing moment, suddenly she feels inches on her right arm again...yeah, seems she forgot that she hurts her right arm from the last fight at the school. She frowned annoyedly and R. Mikey realizes it and walked towards her and asked.

"Haruchin, you're okay?", he asked and the girl flinch lil bit and smiled awkwardly at him as she says that she is okay. She wakes up again as she says that she needs to use the bathroom and walked away with R. Mikey and others looking at her, somehow weirdly and worriedly.

R. Haru takes off her clothes as she faces the mirror and looks at the bruises on her right arm. It's turned purple a lot and it's a lie if she didn't feel the pain on it. Good thing that her bones didn't break from that attack. She tried to find any medication supplier in the bathroom but seem it didn't place there. It's too much to ask Y. Haru or Y. Seiyu since she didn't want to make a fuss about it, especially when her brother and her boyfriend are around. Those two were really such overprotective of her no matter if the wound is just small or not.

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