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Ye Eun woke up with a loud voice of her alarm. "It's morning already." She mumbled in sleepy voice.

"Hey wake up now." Yeon ah shook Ye Eun. "You know your phone was vibrating so many times. I checked, It was from Prince." She said teasingly and tickled Ye Eun.

"What! you checked my phone." Ye Eun sat and took the phone from Yeon Ah's phone.

"Yes It was flooding from your Prince messages." She said. Yeon Ah stood and went towards her mobile which was now flooding with messages.

"It must be the painter." Ye Eun laughed.


Good morning Ye Eun...

You are still asleep?

Don't you have work

Hey wake up...!

Wish me all the best
you know it's important day
for me today.

Ye Eun ah I am angry now.

She smiled and called him. Suho picked her call.

"Who are you miss?" He answered.

"Sorry I just overslept today." She said cleaning her bed.


"Stop being rude. Prince. You know right I Love You."

"I know."

"So what are you doing?"

"Just going to breakfast table."

"Okay, All the best. Choose the right decision okay. And whatever you decide I will always support you."

"I know. Bye Love you." With that she hung the call.

Suho reached the room and sat beside Minseok. "Good morning." He said. Everyone nodded. "Did JongDae and JongIn arrive?"

"Jongdae and Eunho are on their way here and JongIn arrived last night still asleep." Queen said. Suho nodded hearing her reply.

"Let's eat now." King said. They had their peaceful breakfast. Just as they finished JongIn came. He bowed towards the King and Queen and hugged Minseok.

"Hyung, I missed you so much." He cryed in Minseok's arm. "I wanted to meet you yesterday but I was too tired." He said looking at his hyung. "Thankfully I have no scheduled surgery."

Minseok patted his back. "That's why I told him to ask your schedule first." Minseok's smiled. "And I missed you too." King and Queen looked at the scene.

King felt proud as they treat each other as their real blood related brothers. But Queen was clenching her fist. She hated Suho and Minseok. She wanted her sons to rule.

"Hyuuuuung" and here comes their another one Kim Jongdae. He pushed Jongin and hugged Minseok. "Hyung oh my god you look really same. Don't you age." He said and hugged him even tighter.

Minseok patted his head. "You know I am a vampire." He chuckled and showed his teeth. "I don't age." He said making everyone laugh.

"Are you all forgetting that I am also here." Suho said pouting and slamming his fist on table.

"Aww Suho hyung you are jealous." Jongdae said. "We met one month ago only. And he is my favourite hyung." Jongdae said.

"Okay okay so stop everyone, you both eat your breakfast." Minseok said. "I will be in my room, let's meet after you finish eating." The younger nodded their head and took seat.

Ye Eun and Yeon Ah were watching T.V. and suddenly Yeon Ah said, "Ye Eun, let's go to Princess Song Ji Won's concert."

"Why her!? I thought you didn't like classical." Ye Eun said looking at T.v

"What, she doesn't holds Classical concert. Dude when did you last went to concert?"

"With you when we went to that acoustic concert. It was last." Ye Eun said

"Stand up, let's get ready we are going now." Yeon ah stood and pulled Ye Eun with her.

On other side Suho, Minseok, Jongdae and JongIn were seated on their respectable seats. Suho and Minseok explained them the situation.

"So, This throne thing is really tiring me out. I am frustrated now." Suho said.

"Thanks to this I got to know Suho hyung is dating Ye Eun Noona." JongIn said laughing. Seeing his laugh Jongdae also started laughing.

"Lee Ye Eun, I know her. I heard from EunHo she is really nice person." Jongdae beamed.

"Okay, so tell me what should we do about the throne thing. I am not really interested in this politics and business. I am happy with my designing." Suho said.

"Same here, I am also not interested. I am happy with my hospital." JongIn said.

"Hyung what about you?" Jongdae asked Minseok.

"I was the first one to avoid this, but see I am back here. I am satisfied with helping people in hospital. Doing surgery." Minseok said with a small voice. "What about you?"

"Actually, If no one wants to be, I can take it. Yoo Mi sacrificed herself for this, and EunHo was also pushed for this wedding because of this." Jongdae shrugged and smiled sadly.

"I know, I was happy with anyone being King, but-----" Suho couldn't finish his sentence because the door opened and King and Queen entered the office. Everyone stood from their seats.

"So Is It decided now?" Queen said taking a seat on couch. King was standing their staring at everyone.

"Please Dad we are discussing that now. Please excuse us." JongIn said.

"Okay, Na Young ah let's go." King said and grabbed her hand.

" I hope you all take the right decision kids." Na young the Queen said and left the office.

"So where were we?" Suho continued.

"Hyung you were saying something." Jongdae said.

"It was our Mom's wish, to be one of us to be King." Minseok said instead of Suho.

Jongdae and JongIn got silenced. Minseok and Suho's face was of regret.

"But It's my wish, Jongdae take the throne." Minseok said.

"But it was your mom's wish." Jongdae said

"Yes I know, but I am not interested. We should have someone who is interested. And mom will understood. I am busy doctor you know." Minseok said laughing.

"Hyung are you sure?" Jongdae said. Minseok nodded and asked both of them are they okay. Suho was happy. JongIn went and hugged Minseok.

"Hyung!!" Minseok smiled.

"Hey you are so big now and you still cry. Aww my Kai" Minseok said laughing and patted his head. Jongdae and Suho watched the scene.

"So Congratulations!" Suho said and clinked his water glass with Jongdae's. "We don't have Wine or champagne here. Sorry" he chuckled.

"Water is fine." Jongdae said and hugged Suho. "I am excited to see Eunho's reaction, I can't wait to tell her." He beamed.

"You should tell her." JongIn said smiling.

All the brothers were very happy. They love each other dearly. They were happy with anyone being the King.

Jongdae and Minseok were planning to have dinner outside the palace. JongIn was helping them decide the restaurants.

"Suho you should call Ye Eun too, Jongdaeya tell EunHo to come. And JongIni call your girlfriend." Suho and Jongdae nodded.

"Hyung, I don't have a girlfriend but is friend fine." Minseok ruffled his hair and nodded.

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