Trust Part 4

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TW maybe panic attack

I wake up to this air horn being blown in my room I shoot up and throw my pillow at the person. I look to see it was Max. " what the hell are you doing" I said it's time to get up we have to got to church" max said throwing my pillow back." what's going on in here" Talia said coming in she stopped when she saw my pills" what the hell are though!" She yelled at first I was confused but then saw my pills. " there will be no drugs in this house give them to me" she said trying to take them. I hit her hand away " there not drugs there my anti-depression Pills" I said " ya sure like you have depression" she said taking them. Then she started going through my stuff " what are you doing" I yelled " looking for more drugs your hiding" she said " mom stop maybe she does have depression" Brandon said " you be quite you don't understand she is a suicidal | person who drinks and tries do kill herself" she said I stopped. Is that what everyone thinks of me.
All of the sudden it was getting hard to breathe. I grabbed my chest and tried to slow my breathing down but it wasn't working.

"Esme?" I heard Brandon say I couldn't say " are you ok?" I heard another voice and it was getting harder to breathe and I grabbed my shirt. I can't breathe. It feels like I'm dying. I heard yelling around me but I couldn't focus. I felt someone's arms around me pulling me close. I could hear their heartbeat. My breathing somewhat went back to normal and I stayed in the person's arms. I soon realized that it was Mave. Why was Mave here? "Are you ok, love?" she asked. I slowly nod my head, and look at her " what are you doing here" I ask " I come here on Sundays to go to church with them. I heard yelling then saw you" she explains I nod again and lay my head back on her chest. " I need to take my pills" I whispered " Talia give her the pills" Mave said I didn't even realize everyone else was still in my room. " but" she started but got cut off by Brandon " no buts mom she needs them so give them to her" Brandon said taking them and giving them to Mave. Mave gave me a pill from my anxiety pill bottle. I sat up and Brandon gave me some water for the pill. I laid back down on Mave. I was to exhausted mentally and physically.  I need to text Chris and Cat I don't want to call them because i don't have the energy. " Your grounded i'm taking your phone" Talia sad grabbing my phone walking away. I didn't bother to argue. I sat up and put my face in my hands.  " you ok love." Mave said " I need to tell Chis and cat" i said " here you can use my phone" Mave said giving me her phone. I look up to see the guys still in my room. " why don't we give you some privacy" Alex said pushing everyone out of the room. Mave also got up going to leave "stay" i said she looked at me and nodded. She sat back down. I decided to call Cat first I know she will be easier.  "Hello?" i heard cat say "hey" i said not knowing what to say "Esme? Is that you?" cat asked " ya its me " i said " who's phone are you calling me off of? Are you ok?" she said frantically " i'm ok now. um Talia took my phone so my friend Mave let me use her phone" i said " why does your mom have your phone?" she sounded angry.  " She saw me take my pills this morning and she freaked out and took them then I had a panic attack and Mave helped me through that." i said " ok thank you for telling me. Did you get your pills back?" she asked " ya Brandon took them from Talia" i said " who is Brandon?" cat asked " oh um he is the guy i'm sharing my room with he is really nice all of the guys are after I told them what happened  between my mom and dad." i said Cat and Chris already know about that because that night I told them about it. " have you told Chris yet" she asked " not yet I was going to after I thought you would be easier to tell first." i said " ok well why don't you call him, but you might have to call Hunter to talk to him." she said Hunter is my brothers Sargent and our Uncle not biologically but we have known him are entire life. He served with are dad. " ok I love you" i said " love you too baby girl" and then hung up " know time for the hard part" i said " hey" Mave said " it will be fine I will be right here" Mave assured I called Uncle Hunters phone waiting for him to pick up " hello?" I said "Esme?" he said "ya its me Um can I talk to my brother its important." I said " ya sure hold on sweetheart" he said leaving for a minute " Esme" i heard Chris's voice. " are you ok what happened? And who's phone do you have." Chris said " ok i'm going to tell you but you can't freak out ok?" I said " ok what happened are you ok?" he said with worry in his voice. " i'm fine now I promise" i said hearing him let out a sigh. " This morning when I was taking my pills Talia came in and freaked out saying they were drugs. She took them out of my hand and started yelling not let me talk and I ended up having a panic attack. Mave helped me through it and I took my anxiety pills, but Talia took my phone saying I was grounded. I didn't have the energy to fight with her so I let it happen. Mave let me use her phone to call you and cat." i said. Chris hasn't said a world yet. "ok I will deal with Talia when I can but I do have one question." he said  "ok what is it" i said " who is Mave?" he said " oh she is my friend I told you about " i said " can I talk to her?" he asked "uh sure" i said and looked at Mave " my brother wants to talk to you if that is  ok" I said Mave nods her head and takes the phone I couldn't hear what they were talking because Mave went to the bathroom to talk. She came back and handed me the phone " hello" i said " hey, so I have to go but I will deal with Talia. I love you sweetheart" Chris said " love you too" and then he hung up God i miss him.

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