Trust Part 23

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Sorry fo rspelling Mistakes :)

"I'll go grab the door" Mave said walking out of Luca's room. "So what happens to me after they find hi parents" Brandon asked. "That's what i'm here to discuss" Someone said. We all turn around and see officer Myers. "Esme can I talk to you and Mave in private for a second?" He said I nod and go with them into another room. "Whats up?" I asked. "We found Luca's parents and we arrested them." He said "Oh my god that's amazing" Mave said kissing me on the cheek. "Wait, so what happened to him now?" I ask. "Well he will probably go into foster care and we will find a good home for him." Officer Myers said. That made my heart break. I don't want him to go. "We still have to do paper work for the parents so it will take a couple days if you want him to stay for a little." Officer Myers. I didn't say anything. I was too caught up in my thoughts. What if we adopt him. I mean then we could be a family forever, but then again we are still young. I don't even know if Mave is ready for that big of a commitment. I mean she is amazing with Luca so far but if we adopt him it would be forever.

Mave Pov

Esme hasn't said anything to officer Myers so I decided I would "That would be great thanks" I said and he nodded. "I'll be back in three days tops" He said, shaking my hand. "Ok thank you bye" I said "Bye" He said leaving . Esme is still deep in thought. I gently grab her shoulder and she snaps back into thoughts. "Hey you ok?" I asked her. "Umm ya we should get back to everyone" She said walking away. I follow her to Luca's room and we walk in to see the guys on the floor playing with Luca. "Hey everything ok?" Mark asked. Esme ignores them and goes over to Luca. "Umm ya for now kind of." I said. I nod for them to step away and follow me. They all get up and we go to my room. "What happened?" Brandon asked. "Well Officer Myers said that they arrested Luca's parents. He also told us we have three days max before he would have to go into foster care." I said. "I'm sorry" Alex said rubbing my back. "So what are we going to do I mean we can't just let him go into foster care" Brandon said. "I don't know I'm trying to figure it out, but in the meantime we should get back," I said and we all headed back to Luca's room. We walk into the room to see Esme and Luca asleep on the floor. "We should get going. Call us if you need anything" Alex said. "Ok bye guys" I said and they left. I walk over to esme and pick her up and take her to our room. I lay her in the bed and go grab Luca. As I pick him up he stirs in my arms. "Blankie" He wines out. I grab his blanket off the floor and put him on our bed with Esme. I let them sleep and go back to Luca's room. As I was putting stuff away all I could think about was what officer Myers said. Three days. We only have three days left with him. Well I mean there is one other way but I don't know if Esme is ready. If I'm being honest I want to adopt Luca. I loved how it felt being a family. Like the way Esme's face lights up when Luca calls her mama, or when Luca got to pick out toys. I loved it when he called me mommy. I know it was only one time but it still made my heart melt. After I was done putting stuff away I started making dinner. I decided to make Enchiladas. As I was making dinner I heard tiny little footsteps. I turn around and see Luca wrapped around in his blankie. "Hi baby how was your nap?" I asked him. "Good. What you doing?" He asked me. "I'm making dinner." I said picking him up. "Can I color?" Luca asked. "Sure baby. Sit at the table and i'll go get it." I said setting him down in his high chair. I walk to his room and grab a coloring book and markers. I walk back to the kitchen and give him the coloring book. "Ok before I give you the markers you can only color on the pages ok?" I told him. "Ok mommy" He said and my heart melted. I handed him the markers and left him to color while finishing making dinner.

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