Trust Part 18 ( Smut in it)

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Sorry for spelling mistakes.

After we were done with breakfast we decided to play some board games. We were in the middle of twister when we heard the doorbell. " I'll get it" I said going to open the door. " Hey bitch happy birthday" Brandon said " thank you" I said hugging him. " Here is your present but don't open it till later" he said winking at me. " Hey, we want to say hi to the birthday girl too" Alex said pushing him out of the way. " Happy birthday Esme" he said hugging me " thanks Alex". After everyone came in and said hi to me we decided to watch a movie. We decided to watch Wall-E. Yes, people might think it's a kids show but I love it. After the movie everyone left to go get ready. For what? I have no clue they wouldn't tell me we're we are going. Brandon bought me a dress to wear that's why he said I have to wait to open it apparently but first Mave said she had a surprise for me. We didn't have to be ready for another 3 hours. The others had to go " make sure everything was perfect" her words not mine.


" ok put this on" Mave said handing me a blind fold. We were outside our room which made me nervous on what she had in store for me. " why?" I ask a little nervous. " can't tell you. Your going to have to trust me" she said with a smirk. I sigh and out the blind fold on. " ok know walk forward. We are entering our room" she said as I walk forward. I heard her shut the door behind us and lock it. " ok now take off the blind fold" she said and I did. I saw a heart of rose petals on our bed and on the floor lined up were a bunch of vibrators,handcuffs,wipes, and a bunch of other stuff. I turned around and looked at Mave and she was completely naked already. " When did you get undressed?" I ask " Oh don't worry about that love." She said smashing her lips to mine. She pulled off my shirt and Bra. As I was going to take off my pants she stopped me. " Not yet" She said pushing me onto the bed. As we were making out I felt her put something on my wrists. I look up and saw she handcuffed my hands to the head bored. I Looked up at her and she smirked at me. " You know I think I like you like this. Except I think you would be better with no pants and underwear on" She said slowly tracing down my belly button and to my pants. She then slowly pulled down my pants and underwear and I felt my face heat up. " So beautiful," She whispered. She then walked away and got something off the floor. She stood up and I saw a strap on dildo. She put it on and came back onto the bed. She leaned down to kiss me while she rubbed my clint. I moaned into her wanting her to go faster. She must have noticed and picked up the pace rubbing me faster. I felt a knot forming in my stomach and I knew I was close. " Mave" I moaned out. " Go ahead love" She said and I felt myself release. " Good job baby" Mave whispered in my ear. " Are you ready for another round?" she said " Round?" I ask looking at her " How many rounds will there be?" I ask again, tracing my fingers on her chest. " That's up to you my love." She said, smirking. I felt her rub the strap on dildo against my fold and I couldn't help but moan out. She started to slowly push the dildo in as I moaned out in pleasure. Once she was all the way in she looked at me with this evil smirk and held up a remote. " DO you know what this is love" She asked " A remote?" I said confused. " Correct and do you know what happens when I push this button?" Mave asked. " No" I said a little scared. " How about I show you? '' Mave said then clicked the button. Right as she clicked it I felt the dildo start to vibrate inside me. We both moaned out in pleasure as Mave started to thrust into me. I could feel myself going over the edge with all this pleasure and I could tell so was Mave. " I'm getting close" Mave moaned. " Me too" I said, panting, and seconds later we both came.

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