Trust Part 9

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Sorry for spelling Mistakes also maybe TW

I woke up in the middle of the night. I looked up and saw I was laying on her chest. I heard yelling downs stairs and Brandon and Mave woke up. Brandon must have came in when I fell asleep. " What is that noise?" Brandon said " I have no idea" Mave said " Lets go see" I said. We all got up and walked down stairs. We saw Talia on the phone with Leo besides her. " She is obviously lying Chris. Mr.Ross would never do that." Talia said and my heart stopped she does not believe me great. " what is going on down here" I hear someone whisper I turned around and saw the guys. I didn't listen to what the guys said i was too busy listening to the conversation from Talia and Chris. "Talia you can't be serious" Leo said " What so know you're on his side" She yelled at Leo. " How can you not Talia." Leo yelled back Talia was shocked her husband yelled. " What if that was one of our kids, and they came home saying they got sexually assaulted by their teacher." Leo said. I heard the guys behind me whispering wondering who they were talking about. " Leo you don't understand she is mentally unstable she could be lying." Talia said and that is when I lost control. I walked into the kitchen " I'm sorry you hate me and we don't get along, I'm sorry after my dad died I went into a state of depression, I'm sorry I have anxiety, and most of all i'm sorry I got raped and told my family who actually cares about me unlike you who hates me and I have no reason why" I said walking out of the kitchen when I see the everyone staring I run to my room and close the door falling on my bed crying.

Mave's prov

After Esme ran to her room crying I stormed into the kitchen. " What the hell is wrong with you she got raped and you find away to make this her fault!!!!" I yell " You know Esme didn't Even want to tell anyone to save you asses. Ross threatened her and said he would show the cops your record and get you arrested she was scared to make your sons orphans!!!!" I yelled Talia just kept looking at me shocked I have never yelled at an adult before especially not her" You are a horrible mother" I say leaving the room. I walk back to the other room and see the guys. " Is that why she didn't tell anyone because she was trying to protect us?" Alex asked I nodded my head and went up to Esme's room. I knocked on the door softly, and heard a soft " Go away" my heart broke poor girl. " Love its me can I please come in" I said. " Sure" I heard a small voice say.

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