Trust Part 5

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I ended up going to church with everyone mostly because I didn't want to argue with Talia. At the church I sat next to Mave and Alex. I wasn't really paying attention because I was not religious. I was deep in my thoughts when I get snapped out of my thoughts from a hand on mt thigh. I looked up to see Mave she was not looking at me. I felt Butterflies in my stomach. Alex looks over at me and smiles. After church Talia got a call and had to take it. Me and the guys were talking when I noticed Mave was looking at me weird. I got snapped out of my thought when Talia came up to me and handed me my phone. " thanks?" i said confused " Don't mention it, I also would like to say I am sorry. I shouldn't have over reacted." she said. The only person who could have made her do this is Chris. " Thank you for the apology" I said I was not going to forgive her yet especially when she took my phone and brought up my past. Talia kept on staring at me waiting for something. "what?" i asked confused " what so no apology from you?" she said " What why should I have to apologize. Your the one who took my phone and tried to take my medication not to mention you brought up my past I owe you no apology" I said mad " well I wouldn't have done it but with you past history with alcohol and trying to hang yourself its not my fault" she said. Everyone went quite " you know that is how much you know about me" I said She looked at me confused " I never had a problem with alcohol and I never tried to hang myself. -" "yes" Talia tried to cut me off " do not interrupt me" I yelled at her " Yes I tried to kill myself but I never hung myself it was an overdose, and I never had an alcohol problem I had a drug problem." She looked at me stunned "You want to know why I did all of that ? It was because after dad died I felt like I had no one. My mother left me one night and never came back, not to mention she lied to everyone about what happened. The only people who were my family my brother and his girlfriend." after I said that I stormed off to cool down. I walked to a little pond by the church. I was so mad I couldn't think straight. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around. I saw Mave. "Hey you ok?" She asked " I don't know I'm just so mad and burnt out I guess" I said " I'm sorry love" Mave said " its not your fault its mine" i said. Mave looked at me with shook looked " Esme" Mave said I didn't look up because I knew I would cry. "Esme look at me" she said more of a demanding I looked up and are eyes met "This is not your fault none of this is. " She said. Then I felt a tear falling down my face " Really maybe if I didn't do drugs and maybe if I didn't try and kill myself I would not be here I might be with Chris and Cat." I said now crying. Mave came closer and put her hands on my face wiping my tears away. " No its not your fault. Its not your fault you felt this way. Its not your fault you did all this stuff, and just think if none of this happened I wouldn't have met you" she said looking into my eyes. I didn't even realize we were leaning closer together. Then before I knew it I lips touched. We pulled away and looked in each others eyes. "i um" I get cut off " hey we were going out to breakfast want to come" Brandon said " no i think we will go back to your house" Mave said I was still to shocked to speak from the kiss. " ok bye" Brandon said walking away.   


We got into Maves car and I still didn't know what happened  or how I was supposed to react I mean I like Mave like a lot but what will everyone else think what if Chris and Cat hate me if I tell them. We got into the drive way of the house. " I'm sorry" Mave said "what"  I said confused "I shouldn't have kissed you I just got in the moment" Mave said not looking at me " Mave no I like you a lot I was just shocked I swear I never.... have kissed anyone before" I said a little embarrassed. " wait really" Mave said looking at me. I felt my cheeks go read and slowly nod. " so you do like me?" Mave asked " ya, but can we just take it slow" I said " Yes of course my love" Mave said. We went inside and went to mine and Brandon's room. We decided to watch Naruto.

A:N (Yes your stuck with watching Naruto get over it)

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