Trust Part 19

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Sorry for spelling mistakes.

After me and Mave were done having some fun together we got up to get ready. I put on the dress that brandon got me a black vintage dress. With a long back scirt. Mave had a pink ish black short dress.

Top Dress is Mave's dress and bottom is Esme's dress ( Pictures from google)

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Top Dress is Mave's dress and bottom is Esme's dress ( Pictures from google)

After we were done getting ready Mave told me she had to go make sure everything was set up and that Brandon would come to get me to walk there. At least I know that where we are going is close because we are walking there. 10 minutes after Mave left I heard a knock at the door. I opened it and saw Brandon in a suit. " Hello beautiful you ready?" He asks " Ready as I'll ever be" I said and we start walking. " So where are we going?" I asked " Sorry no spoilers." Brandon said and we continued walking. It was about to get dark soon so I hope we aren't walking much farther. " Ok we are getting close, put this on" Brandon said, handing me a blind fold. I was hesitant at first but then put it on. We walked for a minute then he stopped and I felt him pull the blind fold off. When the blind fold was off I was in shock. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" Everyone yelled. It was set up like a picnic by a clif. Mave came up to me and hugged me. " We thought we would watch the sunset together and celebrate." She said smiling " This is amazing thank you" I said " Of course baby" She said. We all sat down and had some cake. It was an Ice cream cake that Leo apparently made. Who knew he could bake. After the cake we all sat down and watched the sun set. " Hey I have a present for you" Mave said. " Another one?" I asked kind of confused. " Ya Let me go grab it i'll be right back." She said going to grab something from Chris . She came back and handed me a box. " Open it" She said. I slowly opened it and saw a ring . Is she proposing? I thought " Don't worry I'm not proposing" She said chuckling a little. " It's a promise ring." She said " Oh my god really?" I asked shocked " Yup if you want it anyway." She said a little nervous. " I love it thank you" I said kissing her. " Don't thank me yet there is one more thing that I had a little help from Chris to get." SHe smiled, handing me another box. I opened it and saw a necklace. It had a thing to look through and a heart that said " My little Rose '' I looked through the hole and saw a picture of My dad,Chris,and me all together when I was little. I felt a tear go down my face and smiled. " Thank you so much" I said smiling at her. " Anything for you love, but I can't take all the credit your brother and Cat helped. " She said giving me a kiss. After we kissed I walked up to Chris and Cat  hugged them " Thank you" I said " Of course baby girl" Cat said. " I love you" Chris said " I love you too" I said hugging them again then going to sit back by Mave.

Here are the Promise rings above

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Here are the Promise rings above. ( Picture from google)

Mave and I decided to walk home after we watch the sun set. Chris offered to take us home but I didn't want to bother him. Plus its only like a 10 minute walk. As me and Mave were walking away I heard something in an alleyway. " Did you hear that?" I ask Mave " No what?" Mave asked confused. I walked slowly towards the alley and I heard a baby crying. " Ok now I hear it" Mave said. We walked into the ally way and the crying got louder. We walked to the end of the alley and saw a baby he looked only to be 1-2 year old. " Oh my god" I said, going to grab the baby. " Hey sweetheart" I said which caught his attention. " Hi, you wanna come here?" I ask. " Ya" He said shakey. I open my arms and he crawls into my arms. " We need to take him to a hospital" Mave said and I agree he doesn't look in good shape at all. " I'll call Chris to see if he is home yet" Mave said and I nodd. Cat and Chris only live about a block or two away so they shouldn't be far. We are still at least 5 minutes away from our house to get our car. " Ok Chris said he will be here any second. I just told him we need a ride to the hospital no time to explain." I nod at her and the baby snuggles into my chest. It looks like he is falling asleep but I Don't know if thats good or bad. I Don't know what's wrong with him. He has a bunch of bruises all over him. I'm freaking out. Who Could do this to someone let alone a child. I get snapped out of my thoughts by a car pulling up and Cat and Chris jump out of the car. " Hey what's going on" Chris said then saw the baby in my hands. " Look i'll explain later but we need to get him to the hospital" I said and they nod. We all get into the car and I hold the baby in my arms not wanting to let him go.

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