Chapter 1: Light Night

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My eyes blinked in quick succession and slowly began to register my surroundings. It was a rather warm and flowing sensation that washed over me. My body felt it was afloat as if I were in space. Blinking a few more times, trying to get the sleep out of my eyes to only be greeted with a foggy image with what appeared to be a light beaming through a light screen.

I was curious and reached out to the screen, only to bump my fingers against a hard surface; creating a sort of clink sound. That's when I realize that I was in that damn testing tube again. In a blind panic, I pounded against the barrier to no avail, the liquid that my body was submerged in slowed my fists to a snail's pace. However, the light pounding has drawn some attention to them, a woman with visible black hair, and olive skin, in a white coat rushed to my aid followed up by a man clad in similar attire only his face was lighter with blonde hair.

Man: "What is subject 93 doing up? This operation requires him to be asleep!"

Woman: "The anesthesia we administered didn't register in his body yet."

Man: "Damn! Call it off! He is still awake!" The man waved off to the side, rushing out of sight to try and cancel.

???: "And what gives you the authority to cancel this?"

Man: "Director?! I thought you were–"The man was cut off, followed by what seemed to be a follow-up nigh-audible slap presumably by the director.

Director: "We come so close to making perfection! We aren't stopping now for the sake of humanitarian purposes, proceed with the operation!"

Woman: "Sir! I must protest, there is no telling what could happen to 93! Like what happened to 35 or 22 when they were awake!"

Director: "Save me the lecture, lady. I know for a fact that he will be our first success. All of our failures have led us to this. Now, proceed with the operation."

Man and Woman: "Yes, sir!"

My arms started flailing with panic, twisting and buckling for a place to escape. There were no openings that I could make out with my hindered vision other than the oxygen tubes and the many iv tubes connected to my body. My blind panic was only subdued when a light rapping at the glass drew my attention. A man distinguished by his gray hair and black aviators appeared in front of me.

Director: "You will be my first success in my semblance experiment, Subject Sigma." The man gave an unsettling smile, closing the glass window to my chamber, engulfing me into darkness.

At that moment I woke up in the restroom stall with a startling wake. My forehead precipitated with sweat as I held my hand upon my forehead to wipe the beads off.

Iota: "(Y/N)? Come in, (Y/N)" Her soothing voice emulated through a tiny earpiece in my right ear, somewhat relaxing me a bit.

(Y/N): "I can hear you loud and clear, IDeS. Stick to code names"

Iota: "Thank god you are still here." An unheard tone of relief was distinguishable from her voice. "I thought you were caught and I had to come to save your ass."

(Y/N): "No... I was having a microsleep again." I rose from my seat, patting to ensure nothing stuck to my pants from the filthy toilet seat before turning the knob of the sink, a torrent of water came flooding. That experiment occurred over five years ago, yet I'm still having small remnants of my past come back to haunt me. I slapped myself awake, splashing the cold water on my face.

Iota: "You didn't get enough sleep again? Is it because of the failed assassination of–" I cut her off.

(Y/N): "IDeS, you know better to press me on something stupid. Plus... that was a while back."

Tonic Chemistry (Blake Belladonna x Male Reader) RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now