Chapter 10: Debts of Knowledge

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It was a longer day compared to others, more than the past few days at least.

No matter how many times I look at the sky, I will never tire of admiring the cool colors as the golden sun rests upon the horizon, seeing the orange hue melt with the purple sky as the streets turn a soft yellow, and feeling the warm and breezy winds on my bare skin. The streets were packed with adults and children alike with relieved expressions and cheerful smiles as they paraded back home to their families for a hot meal.

Without a doubt, it was a perfect afternoon for those relieved of their duties. However, I didn't have the luxury of such pleasantries in my line of work.

(Y/N): "Ugh... just one more..." I outstretched my body and felt the soothing tension on my shoulders when I worked my arms back.

I trudged through the streets with irritation leaking from my face, glazing my eyes around for a street sign or building number for a sense of indication of if I was in the right neighborhood. I held up the paper napkin that Torchwick had written to me – seeing five street numbers of which four were shaded in rustic red circle splotches and faded residual smudges across the remaining numbers.

'Hmm... looks to be around here'

I halted at the edges of a bookstore reading Tukson's Book Trade and my soggy emotions now in higher spirits, hearing the jingle of a shopkeeper bell as I entered. The place was void of customers skipping their eyes over the selection of novels but not free of any occupants as the musical tunes deep in the stock room from an employee still laboring the remaining minutes away.

I didn't bother cataloging the displays and immediately closed in on the front counter, giving the lonely table bell a tap.

Tukson: "Be right there!" The doors parted for a burly muscular man with stellar sideburns backing up; clutching onto identical stacks of books in each arm as tall as him and placing them gently on the counter for later sorting. "Welcome to Tukson's Book Trade, home to every book under the sun! How may I help you?" He smiled warmly at me while I recalled what readings I needed.

(Y/N): "Yes, I would like to know if you have the latest edition of Beacon's chemistry textbook."

Tukson: "Yes, I still have a few copies left in the back."

(Y/N): "Great!"

Tukson: "...Would you like a copy?"

(Y/N): "Oh yes, sorry."

Tukson: "No worries. Is there anything else you need?"

(Y/N): "Uh... Hamlet is on my list."

Tukson: "A classic play! Will that be all?"

(Y/N): "Yes... wait. I also need a copy of Third Crusade."

I struck a nerve in him with my chilling words. Seen evident by his concerned expression washed away his previous affable one, but one that still maintained his professionalism.

Tukson: "Umm... I-I don't believe we carry that one."

(Y/N): "Huh? I'm sure I said that right... You are Tukson, correct?"

Tukson: "That's right."

(Y/N): "Then you did come up with the slogan?"

Tukson: "Yes."

(Y/N):" What was your slogan again?" A sigh came from sideburns.

Tukson: "Tukson's Book Trade. Home to every book under the sun."

(Y/N): "But Third Crusade is not one of those books?"

Tukson: "It's just a catchphrase."

(Y/N): "Then why come up with such a catchphrase that doesn't fulfill as advertised?" I pulled out my plague doctor mask in front of him – displaying the object as it sat in the palm of my hand. "I was told you were planning to leave for Vacuo; a far place with nice weather and a great view of the sunset. However, they don't appreciate your unscheduled departure without saying goodbye. You know who sent me, don't you?"

Tonic Chemistry (Blake Belladonna x Male Reader) RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now