Chapter 11: Bitter Talk

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Today is the day that students from other academies transfer to Beacon for the Vytal Festival to either participate, spectate, or enjoy the festival itself. As of now, I've been summoned by Ozpin to his office with Glynda alongside him, watching as the Atlesian fleet flies over our heads admiring like cloud watching.

Glynda: "Ironwood certainly loves bringing his work wherever he travels."

Ozpin: "Well, running both an academy and the military makes him a busy man."

(Y/N): "Yeah... busy enough to make us his top priorities. I don't even know why you thought it was a good idea for us to meet."

Ozpin: "It's good for your safety and informative that you are working under me." A ping from Ozpin's desk signified that our guest had requested themselves in his office. Oz shot me a glance that screamed behave yourself to which I responded silently with a smug that I can only describe as 'I'm going to have fun while doing so'. We all spun on our heels, feeling the jolt of excitement that within me to face him after three years. "Come in, James." The metal doors parted for the well-received general, with our eyes meeting; he quickly drew his weapon from his side with its barrel finding its way to my head.

(Y/N): "Come to expect that much." I shrugged, undeterred by his approach.

Ozpin: "James, (Y/N) is under my contract. So please, put down the gun."

Ironwood: "He is a threat to the populace alongside his friends. They should have been arrested the moment they decided to show up at my doorstep."

(Y/N): "Wow, and who's fault was that? We could have collaborated."

Ironwood: "I am not open to the idea of taking in children to become soldiers. I thought you were playing a prank or insane when you requested to work for me that moment."

(Y/N): "It was a miracle that we even found you in the first place, yet you shouldered us off like some fan."

Ironwood: "I tried but when the police came, all of you resisted. You could have talked to the local police to have fixed your problem. I was too occupied to deal with something that minor when I had meetings to attend and work to be done."

(Y/N): "Maybe... but we were ignorant. We didn't realise how big the world was when we were confined in a facility for our entire childhood. We were rejected by everyone we tried to get help from, they were afraid of us. How violent we were created. You were the talk of every when we travelled for months and arrived in Atlas, both hungry and exhausted. When we thought we reached the gates of hope, we found out it was all a lie at the moment we spoke to you. Guess where we went after that? Joined those who were rejected by society like trash and we found better refuge from them than anyone could have."

Ironwood: "If you are looking for an apology, I'm sorry I indirectly caused you trouble. However, I can't ignore the crimes you have done as a whole. It will take a lot of convincing and negotiations to get a pardon for all of you."

(Y/N): "Then shoot me where I stand." I extended my arms to the side in an 'are you not entertained' pose, seeing the flickering anger in his eyes when he laid a finger on the trigger. "You had your chance. Are you going to fuck up this one as well?"

Ozpin: "Enough!" His cane reverberated throughout the room with such volume, it startled the both of us. "I thought it was a good idea for you to push aside your pasts and differences and have a civil conversation. I know you two share a past that I may not understand, but right now an olive branch is in order as we are still in the dark about the enemy. You two do realize you are both on the same side and although you don't have to like each other. You two still need to cooperate peacefully."

Tonic Chemistry (Blake Belladonna x Male Reader) RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now