Chapter 26: Family Ties

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Blake POV

I never got used to it; the need to say a proper goodbye to people I know. Why would they deserve such formalities if I was the one who hurt them due to my actions? I pondered more and more on it, but I couldn't undo the tragedies my actions caused, not for my team, family, or friends. I was only stirred out of state by the cool salty breeze entering my nose and ears, along with the bubbly giggling of children playing on the ship putting me at ease slightly.

Captain: "Travelling alone?" My paranoia kicked in, having reached for my weapon in anticipation of a fight to realize I'd overreacted to the friendly ship captain's approach. He showed his hands, lax in his words. "Now, now, no threat here. Just here to chat." I rolled my eyes at his presence.

Blake: "And why is that?"

Captain: "Well, not many people travel by boat on their own. It can be quite the lonely voyage– but I've found those who do tend to have the more... interesting stories."

Blake: "Maybe it's just... better for people to be alone." A scream was heard behind me, my heart nearly stopped as I turned at the rather awkward realization of the children earlier running across the deck. The captain laughed in amusement.

Captain: "Haha. Maybe, but with your paranoia – I think a few friendly faces wouldn't hurt."

Blake: "Who says I'm paranoid?" He left off a hearty laugh.

Captain: "No one, dear. No one. I'll leave you be." He walked off towards the bridge, not before stopping to give me a piece of advice. "But uhh... fair warning. These trips can be awfully boring." He finished his exit, leaving me to my thoughts again.

Another cool breeze passed, feeling the chill in my exposed faunus ears along with a sigh that escaped me. I pulled out (Y/N)'s gasmask and wondered, wondered if he was still alive, what I'd say to him, what it would do to me if he delivered the news that Adam was gone. I didn't think any further, returning the wear to my side as I walked to my cabin for some rest.


The sun now dipping its head across the horizon exemplified the beautiful golden rays that reflected off the calm ocean waters. With the purple-like sky and the shadows cast lower than it was normally with the simmering orange hues. My hearing now heightened a bit due to the lack of people present outside their cabins and the overall calmness of the area. As I was about to retire for the night, I felt the slightest presence behind me before I turned around and saw a cloaked figure. On instinct, I pulled out my weapon defensively against my stalker.

Blake: "Who's there?" They didn't answer, quickly running away as I pondered who it could be. In the moment I was ready to sheath my blade, a wave hit the side of the ship before seeing a large shadow overlapping mine.

Sailor: "Red alert!" I rushed toward the front of the ship as the alarms began to blare and I saw the aquatic Grimm emerging.

Captain: "By the gods..." The Grimm roared at him in response. "All hands to battle stations!"

I engaged the giant creature, launching myself with a clone before grappling into it with Gambol Shroud. The momentum launched me behind the Grimm, making me pull back towards the ship, pelting the beast with a few shots with minimal effect. It started to wrap around the sea vessel as cannons lined themselves at the ready. I'm forced to jump around on the ship to fire bullets at it before trying to slash at its armored head a bit. Before I could continue my attacks, I was pushed back by the force of the cannons hitting the Grimm, clumsily landing on my arm as I landed. I didn't relent having attempted to move, only to fall back down from the unexpected pain in my left shoulder. A heavy cannon entered in front of me, ready to turn the tides of battle before I saw the creature's fins shift into wings. Another roar and an air blast from the now airborne creature pushed us back a bit before the cannon fired, missing completely at the Grimm's newfound mobility. The Grimm attempted to retaliate again while I readied myself to return to the action before feeling someone step on my head and jump off.

Tonic Chemistry (Blake Belladonna x Male Reader) RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now