Chapter 12: Enlightening Words

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Blake POV
The morning rays flooded my dorm room; feeling the warmth as the sun kissed my eyes, followed by the gentle breeze brushing my skin as I woke up to a new day. The skies drained of the darkness and filled with an ocean blue with the sun rising above the horizon painting it with an amber hue.

My teammates were still soundly asleep, undeterred from my awakening. My mind is still filled with what happened at the White Fang rally and Torchwick who has shaken the core belief of what the White Fang stood for. I had to narrow down this investigation as to why. The number of questions skyrocketed since our second encounter with Torchwick, and I was lucky that he piloted a faulty paladin. 

I had no time to spare in this endeavor, there had to have been a logical explanation for this. I spent the majority of my morning in the library computer lab, researching patterns on news stories on previous White Fang, Schnee Company shipments the past few weeks, Atlas tech, or anything that can get a lead as to what could. Still, my mind rejected what (Y/N) said when he listened, I refused to believe they would cause a war on Vale. There is no reason, especially with faunus living within its walls.

The days passed and the hours grew long as I stayed up over weeks for this, prioritizing whatever I could scrap together as evidence for their possible plan. My veins ran on caffeine as I scratched my head around this case, giving myself occasional breaks to refill my cup or eat a quick meal. My team was supportive in this case, sending me occasional information like Schnee shipments and recent missing tech that I've already gathered but appreciated nonetheless.

My team was in the library supposedly studying for the weekend, but I'm almost certain they made that an excuse to play their board game again. I was busy reading an article on the most recent introduction of Atlas' military sentries that are almost ready to be deployed in Vale for the Vytal Festival. That was until an unknowing person who lacked peripheral vision in a large hallway bumped heads with me around the corner.

(Y/N): "Oof! Seriously? Watch where you are– oh it's you..." I was less than pleased with what he had to say, swiping my scroll off the ground. "Huh... didn't think you had an interest in Atlas tech as well."

Blake: "Why does that matter to you?"

(Y/N): "I heard the White Fang were rather interested in them, but they had no real use for hard-programmed droids. I don't know much, but that's the word on the street recently." My eyes widened at the news (Y/N) shared, hungry for more information I had to press him on the topic.

Blake: "Who did you hear this from?" For a moment, I saw the corner of his lip curve for a second.

(Y/N): "I don't know much, but I have some reliable sources that they were interested in stealing them."

Blake: "Did they say when?"

(Y/N): "I told you, I don't know much. I'd have to ask my sister for more detail on this information."

Blake: "Can you let me know?"

(Y/N): "I could. However, you should know my sister doesn't work for free and I'm not going to be on her bad side saying I'm doing it just because."

I knew it wasn't going to be easy, especially from someone as greedy as him. However, if it meant that it would expedite my case, then it wouldn't hurt to ask what the price is for some small information.

Blake: "How much for a bit of information?"

(Y/N): "Oh, I don't need money. I need you to do a favor for me. Let's say, each favor you do for me... I will give you five pages worth of information about what you need."

Blake: "What is this favor you need?"

(Y/N): "It's rather simple. I need you to put on some nice clothes and meet me at a designated location that I will send you."

Tonic Chemistry (Blake Belladonna x Male Reader) RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now