Chapter 13: Pleasure Seekers

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Blake POV

I don't know how long it took for me to awaken. However, the thing I knew with certainty was that the strong smell of ammonia filled my nose; having opened my eyes in a groggy state with my vision blurred, a constant ringing in my ear, and the teeth-gritting pain pulsing atop my head having sedated by a soft cushion underneath my head.

(Y/N): "..ou... awak... ye..." I heard his feint words of what he was saying with my senses dulled to the ringing.

Blinking quickly, I managed to regain my vision as the eerie ringing disappeared with the pain in my head still present in my current state. (Y/N) was staring down at me with a slight frown on his face with subsided frustration at my coming senses. He snapped his fingers above my face, gaining my complete undivided focus as I rubbed the top of my head.

(Y/N): "Look at me. Look at me. Are you okay?"

Blake: "What happened...?"

(Y/N): "An unsuccessful ambush. You were careless in your act. A watcher dropped a ventilation appliance on your head pretty hard. You're lucky that I was there otherwise they would have taken everything from you. What a bad string of luck for both of us. The amount of crime here has gone up in the past years. Okay, listen up. I need you to get back on your two feet and get back to work."

Blake: "What about the men... the guy that you helped?"

(Y/N): "They went running and the man is in a better world."

Blake: "You let him die? He has a child waiting for him. Sick and alone."

(Y/N): "That is beyond my concern right now. We will be late if we don't get to where we need to be."

Blake: "Are you listening?"

(Y/N): "Are you? Even if we did, where would you begin to search? He could be hidden for all we know. Now are you going to get off of me because my leg is turning numb."

I came to the quick realization that the soft pillow I'd been resting on was none other than his lap. An uncharacteristic moment of empathy from this assassin; having quickly gotten back on my two feet, my face flushed with embarrassment.

(Y/N): "This place harbors no clemency for the weak and those who wield power will abuse it for their pleasures. That man you tried to save is one of the many victims who sought it. The sulfuric color in his eyes and rashes in his throat are clear signs of an addictive drug called gravi-piramate, commonly known as mixer in these streets. The effects are a long-lasting high for any drug. It bleaches your sclera and nearly closes your respiratory system in high doses."

Blake: "You certainly know a lot about these places..."

(Y/N): "Naturally, when you live here for around three years or so. We must not keep our hosts waiting now."

He wandered off as I burdened myself with his duffel bags as I retained my balance before regrouping with him as we shortly arrived at an indistinguishable apartment building front from the several that stand parallel to it. The front entrance was unguarded but not absent of bodies, with a few innocent kids playing in the lobby with what scraps they had as makeshift toys as their sleepy presumed guardian was stirred awake at our presence before gathering them for an exit.

(Y/N) stopped in front of a faulty and vintage gate elevator before tapping a more futuristic identity card at the bottom of a disguised metal panel under the call buttons that acted as a reader. The vintage and decomposed elevator room made way for a new rising velvet room for us to step in as it descended into the thrilling unknown.

(Y/N): "Hold your gadget somewhere they won't touch and listen carefully. Don't do anything rash. Do whatever they say that is reasonable. Try not to kill anyone. Finally and most importantly don't ingest anything they have to offer."

Tonic Chemistry (Blake Belladonna x Male Reader) RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now