Chapter 3: Black Cat

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The following day now upon me and with the help of some bot that Iota gladly "donated" to help move into a cheap post that I've been renting in Vale for a previous drug lab; I was immediately summoned by Oz for a first-day debriefing. Of course, the security there weren't fond of the way that I packed my afternoon lunch of serated blades and chemical vials, but Ozpin surprisingly gave the green light to my appearance.

(Y/N): "Must think I'm not the rebellious type then..." I scoffed to myself.

With a elevator ping, the metal doors parted for my arrival to Ozpin's clocktower office. It was eye catching, seeing the cogs run beneath and above the room as they worked around the clock, no pun intended. Ozpin wasn't alone (which might be the reason as to why he let me without second thoughts) in the form of a tall blonde woman with glasses in a long sleeve white blouse and black pencil skirt.

Ozpin: "Welcome, (Y/N). I see that you are well prepared."

(Y/N): "Yeah... Enough with the formalities. What do you want?"

The woman gave me a disapproving look, shaking her head slightly at my first impression. I couldn't care about what she thought about me, not without provocative dialogue at least in which she whispered into the headmaster's ear.

Woman: "He is a lot more informal than Qrow..."

(Y/N): "Hey! I can be ten times more troublesome than that old man if you want to make this a competition."

Ozpin disapproved of the immediate petty arguing with a string of tsks.

Ozpin: "Mist, would you not make a mess on your first day here. So ignore what Miss Goodwitch here has to say." I had nothing to say to him, leading him and the topic he wanted to discuss.with his secretary standing and giving me an evil eye that I felt throughout the meeting. "You remember our terms that night?"

(Y/N): "Double pay, Ironwood is to not arrest or interogate me, and I am to show loyalty by staying in Vale."

Ozpin gleefully nodded at my brief rundown.

Ozpin: "There are more terms, but they won't apply to your everyday life. You will be reporting to me for information and delivery of anything proved useful. That means you will be on school grounds. Of course given that you are the appropriate age of attending this school, staff and students won't question your existence."

(Y/N): "I'm not attending your school if you are implying anything like that."

Ozpin: "If I would ask for such a request, I would have done so in our first encounter. As I was saying... You will be operating on school grounds, so I expect levels of professionalisms such as not provoking or engaging with students here on campus. That includes any sort of violence towards them."

(Y/N): "Shouldn't be a problem."

Ozpin: "Which leads me to your first assignment. Initialtion will be starting a few days from now and I need you monitor and help those in need when you deem necessary."

(Y/N): "You tell me to not interact with students to then ask me to help them. Which one is it?" I corrected, keeping my smirking to a minimum.

Ozpin: "...You know what I mean. As for tactics go, refrain from using dangerous chemicals like the ones you are carrying. I know how you work to an extent, but you mustn't exercised your ability unless you are in a scenario where you are alone."

(Y/N): "Fine... anything else that you want to test? Want me to go in blindfolded, with one arm, and carrying the world on my back?"

Ozpin: "No, that is all for now. You are dismissed and make sure you fulfill you end of this deal."

Blake POV

Getting those forged documents weren't easy, but with a little bit of outside help there wasn't much money and people in high places couldn't do for something as simple as that. Still, I needed to draw as less attention for the upcoming initiation test.

I continued walking while preoccupied with my book as I watched my step leaving the ship for a new life I've been wanting. With the students flooding out the doors around me with excitement in their words and anticipation for the new school life here at Beacon. I payed no mind to their joy as I blended right in with the crowd, focusing on nothing but walking forward and finding myself picking up a vial of fire dust defending a girl in red from the heiress of the infamous Schnee company.

Weiss: "What... How dare y– ugh..." She snatched the vial from my hands as she angrily marched away from me.

Talk about an awful blast from the past that came to a bitter sweet ending with a fuming woman from the Schnee company and their mistreatment of faunus. It wouldn't take long for me to find more confrontation in the form what seemed to be a fated accident in the form an unlucky black cat crossing paths. Only the black cat being a man in a black gasmask carrying duffelbags on each shoulder and a black and gold decorated katana at his hip.

He stopped to look at me, my skipping a beat at his presence as I took a step back.

(Y/N): "Do I know you?"

Blake: "Perhaps I should be the one questioning you."

(Y/N): "You sound familiar... Then again, I know a lot of people."

Blake: "I believe I know who you are... Mist."

(Y/N): "I guess fate just loves bring trouble no matter what."

Blake: "What is a monster like you doing at a school?"

(Y/N): "I guess that makes two... I should have killed you the moment Adam killed my friend."

Blake: "I had nothing to do with his decision."

(Y/N): "I have nothing else to say to you when you could have prevented his death."

Blake: "How are you here?"

He left without a word as I stood still, watching as he walked off to Oum knows where. His few words left a bad taste in my mouth and briefly recalling Adam and incident that shouldn't have panned out as it should. If he was around along with a Schnee, maybe this isn't the life I should consider as my second chance.

Tonic Chemistry (Blake Belladonna x Male Reader) RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now