Chapter 24: False Savior

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Blake POV

Just when I thought I had a fresh start and ran away from it all, reconciled, and saved people, my actions led me straight back to opposing him. The power he wields behind his blade and his actions if only I were there to stop him before he took the wrong step. I didn't have the luxury to stand around and take a step back, however, I was reminded that I wasn't alone.

Weiss: "Blake you know this psycho?"

Adam: "Along with the heinous heiress. Did you think you could betray me and switch sides, coward? Are you going to run? Again?"

Blake: "Why are you doing this?"

Adam: "We were going to change the world, remember? We were destined to ignite the fires of revolution, for every faunus in this world! Yet you stand with a Schene after you knew what they have done to me?!"

Blake: "She isn't like that!" Weiss looked uneasy, lowering her blade and inquired.

Weiss: "What we've done to you?" Adam frowned at her words, venom laced in his words as he vented his frustration to her.

Adam: "All I wanted was better treatment from you arrogant humans. We rebelled and what did that get me?" He reached for his mask, slowly removing it and revealing the Schnee Dust Company logo burned to his face, his left eye which had been blinded for years. "A brand of retribution."

I turned to Weiss who looked as shocked as I was when I saw him, her mouth covering her expression having seen the harsh reality of the Schnee Dust Company's treatment.

Weiss: "I'm sorry this happened to you."

Adam: "Not as much as what will happen. The revolution had only just begun." He drew his blade and pointed the jagged edge at us with bloodlust. "And consider yourselves the spark."

Blake: "I'm not running."

I drew my blade in anticipation as Weiss assumed a combat stance. With that, we charged in with me initiating a sword lock. At that time, Weiss took the opportunity to attack, launching a flurry of attacks that were not able to connect, having guided my blade to the ground before kicking me away and shooting at Weiss which she narrowly avoided being blown away. The two of us didn't relent and neither did he, having fired a few shots at him but resulting in him blocking them flawlessly with his blade creating a shower of sparks and metal. The red of his blade now illuminated a neon red with each subsequent shot. Taking a different approach, Weiss summoned her glyphs which surrounded him. He didn't react to them, letting Weiss propel herself off them in a series of attacks. I didn't stand idly, having continued the blitzing with my string of attacks. Adam was no amateur in combat; having made slow recoveries between hits to study our movements before finding several windows to exploit and counter. He managed to separate us, kicking Weiss in the side as she tumbled inelegantly, hitting debris and broken tables before friction stopped her flight while I was knocked to the ground by him.

Adam: "This could have been our day! Why couldn't you trust me?"

Blake: "I never wanted this. I wanted equality, peace." I made another attempt to shoot him, but it ended up being fruitless and adding more to his blade's luminosity.

Adam: "What you want is IMPOSSIBLE." His sword pommel smashed into the side of my head, "I thought you understood me, but I made a mistake in doing so." I attempted to fire my gun again, but Adam knocked it out of my hands with a swift kick. "And as set out upon this world, I will deliver the justice that mankind so greatly deserved. Starting with you." He winded his sword arm back and plunged it into my stomach. A cry of pain escaped me, feeling the stinging edge when he extracted his sword for another stab.

Tonic Chemistry (Blake Belladonna x Male Reader) RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now