Chapter 8: Skeptic Trust

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He dances pretty quickly with the evidence of his eyes being slightly quicker than my hand, having made a quick draw for my baton for a tranquilizer shot to his thigh and having narrowly avoided it. My teeth gritted as the faunus tried to make a break for the streets. A popping sound came from Iota, seeing a steel grappling wire springing forward and managing to clamp down on one of his legs — leading the blonde money to lumber forward onto his chest with a heavy thud.

Sun: "No, no, no!" He desperately fumbled around for anything to grip onto, however, Iota's augmentations proved to be stronger, making the monkey claw at the floor for his last-ditch effort to ground himself.

I swiftly silenced him with a singular shot to his back that began to gradually loosen his grip, slowing down until his arms dropped all resistance and his eyes closed bit by bit.

(Y/N): "What do we do with this man?"

Junior: "He was running away from security. We could turn him in."

(Y/N): "I don't know if turning in a faunus would be the first step. He could be an errand boy for the White Fang."

Iota: "Must be pretty bad to be the White Fang's errand boy."

(Y/N): "We can't be too sure about this. It's better to keep him around before I drag him miles to the White Fang."

Iota: "I will contact Torchwick in the meantime – hand me his credentials as well."

(Y/N): "Obviously — we wouldn't want our friend here to find out about White Fang operations."

The afternoon turned late with how difficult it was to transport his body. Normally I would be leaving them or having Rho come along and make a flawless cleanup on the crime scene. I grunted with each jerk and tug; dragging him into my bathtub and attaching each of his appendages to a chair that I brought from my makeshift kitchen before masking his eyes with an old towel and preventing any future nuisances with duct tape.

The hours snuck by me as I put my unwavering focus into making drugs and patience for a call from big sister. Amidst the silence came a muffled grunt that filled the tranquil silence as I was filling a flask with some hydrochloric acid. Grunts turned to clear cries for help as the reverberating sounds of the wooden chair rattling off the ceramic tub floor.

A shuddering sigh escaped me as I crossed the room for the bathroom; his whimpering voice was heard more clearly as I approached. I didn't pay any mind to him. Instead, I focused on the medical cabinet as I opened it, revealing several small vials of various solutions and at the bottom left corner of it a clear plastic box filled with disposable syringes. Picking up one of the various vials before extracting a single dosage into my syringe.

(Y/N): "Stop your whimpering, I haven't done anything yet."

Sun: "Why are you doing this...?" I could hear the slight vibrations of the chair reverberating against the ceramic floor.

(Y/N): "Don't worry about your misfortune, I don't hurt people without reason. Right now you will be returning to dreamland and by the time you walk up — you will be outside, free as ever." Grasping his arm firmly, I sank the needle into his shoulder, seeing the sedative working its magic immediately as his head limped forward.

If on cue, my pocket began vibrating, fishing out my scroll with the expected call.

(Y/N): "What's the word, IDeS?"

Iota: "Not what I expected for a faunus. A student of Haven Academy meant to partake in the Vytal Festival's tournament. Causing immediate misdemeanors in the city of Vale. Best send him on his way to Beacon or the VPD."

Tonic Chemistry (Blake Belladonna x Male Reader) RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now