Chapter 2: Shadow Work

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It was an bright night, accompanied by the crescent shattered moon's light. By the end of that bloodshed, I have already met up with Ioda on a nearby rooftop looking down at the building which now has cops surrounding it. Ioda was wearing round glasses accompanied by a gray beanie, a white short sleeve top despite the cold night, a black mini-skirt, and black pantyhose with white heels. Her silky black hair tied up with only a white ribbon freely flowed in the midnight breeze.

Ioda: "So that's your report?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, they still had the insides of a human. All blood, bones, and guts." I reached for a piece of cloth in the violin case; oiling it and cleaning any leftover filth on my weapon.

Ioda: "It's awful to think that such people would traffic faunus like slaves."

(Y/N): "They most likely were going to be sold off to those fat bastards. Making them clean, run errands, and have fun with them in private. But now that the police found them, there won't be anyone shipped off except to the morgue."

Ioda: "Well, I'm glad that is over."

(Y/N): "Yeah, I'm tired of doing faunus-related hits." I examined my weapon with great focus, making sure that the edges were chipped or if the blade was bent in any way.

Ioda: "Aren't you an advocate for their civil rights?"

(Y/N): "What gave you that idea?" I sheath my sword, facing her with a questioning demeanor.

Ioda: "You are the one who didn't pull the trigger on your target."

(Y/N): "I did and I missed it due to some missed calculations." She smirked at my excuse.

Ioda: "Well our contractor should be here soon with the money. Odd how he asked for someplace so high up instead of in the alleyways like everyone we have contacted."

(Y/N): "Are you sure they aren't some rat assailant from The Thinking Tank trying to take us down?"

Ioda: "I made sure that they were someone trustworthy. I did an entire background check to make sure."

(Y/N): "Sister, I told you that the web can sometimes deceive you."

Ioda: "Oh where will you be if it weren't for my tech skills. Oh right! Tucked away in an airtight box with no means of escape." She gave me a playful kick to the back which I scoffed at lightly.

(Y/N): "You got help as well..."

???: "Am I interrupting some family bondings?" His voice came from behind us, catching both of us off guard as I bounced to my feet with my on-hand laid on my weapon's hand, while Ioda brought out the hidden gun that she keeps in her hair. "This is this how you greet all of your contractors? Didn't your mother teach you how to greet people?" His face-off to the side staring up at the shattered moon unable to see his face, but his tone alone told everything we needed to know.

Ioda: "It's you." She lowered her weapon.

(Y/N): "Is it our contractor? He seems calm for a man that is within striking distance."

Ioda: "Indeed." She lowered her weapon which I do as well, taking my hand off my weapon.

???: "Now that we have that out of the way." The man faced us, his face and hair alone know who he is. "Allow me to introduce myself, I am–" I cut him off with a quick draw, only to halt my blade right at his jugular.

(Y/N): "Ozpin."

Ozpin: "Correct." I was surprised at how undeterred he was by my blade. "What's the matter? You look like you have seen a ghost."

Tonic Chemistry (Blake Belladonna x Male Reader) RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now