Chapter 23: Natural Selection

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Blake POV

It all happened fast, the audible gasps to the chilling silence as the video displayed Penny sliced to pieces by Pyrrha and the mysterious voice that had hijacked the stadium PA system spreading panic to the audience. Amid her speech, the valve turning caught my attention, having forgotten all about the canister before me hissing its contents. My nimble reflexes can block out what could be a debilitating breath with my hands shielding the gas to a degree as I dodged out of the way. I felt okay thinking I'd evaded the vessel's vapors. However, that fact was proven wrong with my vision beginning to blur, my mind hazy and my head began to pound.

In my headache, I was only able to make out the large white cloud descending upon the crowd, seeing the world around me fade in and out of view and the feeling of my body moving up in slow up-and-down movements. Blinking for a moment, I saw black and white figures darting around. Blinking again cleared my vision, seeing grimm somehow running about mawling, crushing, and hunting in an all-out frenzy as the many helpless people scampering for safety. I was tempted to fall, however, I couldn't since the end of my blade didn't respond, and I failed to realize that I had been dragging up toward the roof this entire time. Reaching the summit, I hoisted my body up, willing to thank whoever was on the other end after catching my breath.

Siena: "I can't tell if you were fearless or insane for pulling that off. Now mind telling me what that was, Adam?" I didn't believe my ears at first, having to confirm myself as I steadily saw the familiar black stripes decorated across her skin and her black and red-orange outfit.

Blake: "Siena?"

Adam: "It's a fear tonic. Didn't think they would use this much on this crowd alone." My blood went cold, my eyes darting over as I tempted my gaze to see a familiar outfit; that of my former mentor standing in the flesh.

Blake: "This can't be...Adam?"

Adam: "Blake, are you alright?" I backed away from him. "What's wrong? Afraid to see me again." My head began to feel dizzy again, their voices contorted as I stepped back. "Or are you going to run away again?"

Blake: "Why are you doing this?" My two former friends looked at one another, giving a nod of affirmation.

Sienna: "They had this revolution coming to them."

Adam: "The faunus' rights are well overdue. If we can't make them listen to us, then we will demonstrate just what happens when they don't. What is below us is simply the spark." He pointed downwards towards the chaos with the bloodshed having yet to reach its conclusion. "Now you are either with us... or against us."

Sienna: "It's not too late to join us, Blake. If you would please come back we have an open spot as one of my generals, I am even willing as far to give you a small punishment for your betrayal. What do you say?" She extended a hand to me with a welcoming smile.

Adam: "She deserves more than just a small punishment."

Sienna: "That is not your choice, Adam."

Adam: "Yes... high leader."

I watched Sienna continue to hover her open hand out to me, looking at the sincerity in her eyes as she smiled once more.

Blake: "As much as I would like things to go back to the way they were. I never wanted this. I wanted to be treated equally, peace."

Sienna: "They will never give us that, Blake. The world doesn't see us for who we are and we must take back what the humans took from us."

Blake: "Then count me out." She returned her arm, knowing to reason with me would prove to be pointless, a deflated exhale escaped her.

Tonic Chemistry (Blake Belladonna x Male Reader) RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now