Chapter 15: Addictive Answers

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Blake POV

My head was spinning, my body felt sluggish; I couldn't tell what time it was with my vision being so hazy and my memory failing to recall where I was. My hearing seemed to be nigh-functional, picking up traces of footsteps followed by a red and black blur that seemed to approach me, reigniting a fear in me but my body didn't seem to want to respond as I was paralyzed and helpless. My heart seemed to want to jump out of my chest as it approached closer.

???: "Blake... Blake!"

I gasped in realization, my movements returned as I sat up with my hand over my chest as if to feel for my rapidly beating heart. My mind slowly registering the room, I realized that I was back at the dorm with Ruby overlooking my condition as she held a wet rag in her hands.

Ruby: "Blake! Are you okay? Guys! She's awake." Yang who was gaming on her handheld was followed by Weiss at her desk probably doing homework stopped with a face of relief as they looked over at me, seeing Yang get up and come to my side.

Blake: "What happened?" I demanded, having remembered nearly nothing as to what happened other than I was on a mission, but it seemed to have gone wrong.

Yang: "(Y/N) said that you were drinking with him and might have too much that night. That devil. What did you two do after that?"

Blake: "I...I don't know. I was on a mission with him... I think. We got into trouble and I think he left me?" My mind was killing me, making recalling last night's events all more troubling. "We went drinking? I don't remember that."

Yang: "Can't say it is believable with what you were wearing when you came home."

Weiss: "You couldn't be more trouble for us. I forgave you for running off on your own, yet you go off with someone we hardly know to do some mission without telling us and you come home drunk?! What do you have to say for yourself, Blake Belladonna?"

I couldn't come up with something for Weiss' comment. Having held on to my head as I tried to stand.

Weiss: "He also told you to take these for the headaches." I heard a rattle from behind her, taking a prescription bottle of medication and handing the container to me.

I looked at the labeling, seeing that the bottle was prescribed for (Y/N), saying that they were painkillers for the hangover. Having spilled two out and mumbled a thanks to Weiss as she handed me a bottle of water and my vision began to straighten out.

Blake: "Where is he?"

Ruby: "We don't know. All he told us was that when you wake up, you know where to find him."

Blake: "That bastard..." My words trailed off as my anger towards him ceased at the relieved faces of my teammates surrounding me, earning a slight smile of my own.

Weiss: "You still have a lot to catch up. I have today's notes from both Oobleck and Port, so you can thank me later."

Blake: "Thanks... and sorry for making you all worry."

Ruby: "Don't worry about it. I– I mean we are always here to support you, Blake."

Yang: "Yeah! What are friends for?"

Blake: "Yeah... Right now I have to go somewhere."

Yang: "You just came back!"

Ruby: "Yeah and it's nearly dinner time."

Blake: "Sorry, but I will meet you all in a couple of minutes. I need some air. I'll be back before you know it." I dashed off, hearing the fading words of Weiss in an attempt to convince me to stay.

Tonic Chemistry (Blake Belladonna x Male Reader) RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now