Chapter 5: 24 Hour Shift

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Looking downwards, I assumed I was around 300 meters off the ground. Since the temperature is relatively warm and the wind blowing north was minimal evident by the tree tops. From that, I can assume that and my given velocity, I can ride the winds for roughly 2 minutes until hitting the ground. I closed my eyes, feeling my body lighten while my mind emptied itself. I snapped my eyes open my body had gone transparent, now riding the winds as I watched from below. Most of the students were at least in a duo. Some were still wandering about aimlessly, looking for another student or fighting small packs of beowolfves. One particular student dressed in green seemed to have gotten the short end of the stick, having to deal with a King Taijitu. For the first few seconds, he was doing fine until the two-headed snake crashed one of its heads into him, knocking him down and unarmed.

(Y/N): "There goes the first." My gas body deposition itself, having me hurling downwards toward the Taijitu.

Looking over at the man, who was now on his feet is challenging the black half with his bare hands. The other half must have seen me; hoping to devour me whole with its mouth wide open beneath me. I fell head first into the jaws of death, aiming my blade steadily with the distance closing faster and faster. The white half wasn't half dumb and instead aimed for my legs. Unable to control my free fall, I turned my legs into gas, swaying my body backward with my blade, and threw one swift swing. The beast's head fell along with me, and I got a glimpse of the guy. He was first confused at the backup, but a concerned look overtook it when he spotted me and tried to catch my fall. I grinned at his compassion before vaporizing. Sublimation took my body as I took flight once more through the foliage. Having flowed for a couple of seconds, I gracefully landed without a person in sight.

(Y/N): "If I remember correctly... I should be looking for the." A rustling to my right had me divert my attention in its direction. A pair of red bead eyes illuminated the surrounding darkness, only for more to appear until around a dozen appeared. One finally showed itself as a Beowolf, and slowly one by one they surrounded me. "Can't this job be any easier?"

Ozpin POV

Ozpin: "Now then, how is Mr. (Y/N) doing?"

Glynda: "He had just touched the ground, and now a confrontation with a pack of Beowolves. His support for Lie Ren starts to raise questions about his abilities as he nearly died at that moment. He is quite sloppy for a veteran."

Ozpin: "Just watch."

A Beowolf pounced at him from behind, but instead of turning around to cut it, he did something unexpected. One of his blades flew in its direction like an arrow, decompressing itself into a smaller blade while it lodged itself into its torso. The pack realized he wasn't easy prey, all of them rushing him with the intent to overwhelm him. A slight smirk formed on the corner of his lip, getting low while his handle flipped into an uzi, spraying a wave of bullets at his frontal attackers. His remaining second blade shrunk to a knife, stabbing one in the stomach that nearly clawed his back, stunned but still alive. However, his backside was still exposed to the remaining attackers as a few more exploited that fact. Still, he was well aware of that. He kicks the injured Beowolf, flying at two of his attackers, hindering them in the process. Using that borrowed time, he emptied the remainder of his magazine into the unhindered wolves, killing them. A click of the gun had him realize he was empty and the two fully recovered by the stun, once more charged him. It looked dire, but his resolve was with him, connecting the blade back to his handle, reverting to its original form, slicing all around him, and ending the pack's hunt. Finding that he was safe, he retrieved his other blade.

Ozpin: "So Glynda, what do you think of him now? He is considered one of the most feared assassins." She nodded in agreement.

Glynda: "He is certainly skilled... If he were to square up against a professional huntsman, they would most certainly be in for a tough time. However, he still lacks discipline and his form can use a bit of work. Even with his semblance active with some tricks, this magician still can find himself in trouble against a well-organized team." I nodded at her analysis. It's without a doubt that (Y/N) is the best in his field, but Glynda is right about his ego. I returned to my screen, watching their tests.

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