Chapter 17: Early Departure

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The hollowed insides of Mount Glenn were cold and dim, the echoes of atlas mechs whirring and the shouts of the White Fang commanders as they ordered their subordinates to load the payload into the train. The loud clanging of metal as they dropped box after box of goods and the much-needed scolding of others who were handling the bombs carelessly.

Torchwick stood a few feet away from me smoking his cigar and smelling the smoke wafting its foul scent within the room. He was acting as a resource manager for the cart we stood in, and with nothing to do but wait for the operation to go into full force; I lazily leaned against the inner cartwall, rolling a vial of deathstalker poison between my fingers.

Torchwick: "How about instead of standing there, you pick up a box and load her up?"

(Y/N): "That's not what I was hired to do, Torchwick. I am to stand guard for you. That unless you want to pay me for that labor too."

Torchwick: "You can be such a brat sometimes."

(Y/N): "Got to put food on the table somehow. Otherwise, I'm wasting energy."

WFM: "Hey, Boss! We found something that you might want to see!"

Torchwick: "Is it good or bad Perry, because let me tell you, I have had a day."

Perry: "Uh... it's a little girl?" Curiosity piqued his interest as did mine as I put back on the bird mask, both of us taking a gander as to what the faunus has brought to base. "That would be bad..."

My eyes widened at the presence of a helpless unarmed Ruby, having been held by the arms of two White Fang guards while sitting on her rear. Torchwick stepped down from the cart with a gleeful laugh, seeing the two throw her in his direction as she stumbled. Torchwick didn't give her a chance to regain her balance, knocking her to the ground again with another laugh.

Torchwick: "Wow, you are much more manageable without that oversized gardening tool of yours."

In response, Ruby frustratingly recklessly came in for a haymaker on him which failed with inelegance when Roman tripped her with his cane effortlessly as she fell again on the back of her head and this time stopping at my feet, rubbing the pain that Torchwick caused. At that moment, she looked at me with fear filling her silver eyes, having jolted up at my mere presence.

Torchwick: "Oh man, you know, Perry? I really did need this!" He let off another delightful laugh before sighing.

Having to stick with my persona, I grabbed her by the arms and twisted it behind her back without harming her much before nailing the back of her knee to make her kneel before Torchwick, standing on her calf as she couldn't run, hearing a high-pitched yelp as a result.

Torchwick: "Hey! Don't go breaking her just yet." Torchwick lowered down to her level. "How'd you find us, Red?"

She gave him nothing but a grunt, however, any further interrogation had to be halted when what sounded like an explosive charge went off by a building as dust kicked up near the tunnel.

Torchwick: "Oh what the...? Perry, if you and the boys can take care of that... Kinda in the middle of something..." Another boom shook the mountain, causing dust to fall from the ceiling. "What is going on here?!"

Torchwick's question was quickly answered when another blast rang which was now visible with White Fang members making a retreat back as gunfire rang and the panicked yells of those fighting reverberated through the air. Squinting my eyes, I caught the faint image of yellow, white, green, and black and something small bouncing after the White Fang squad. Amid the commotion made by the rest of team RWBY, the sight of her squad must have fueled her determination as she managed to slip out of my grasp with her semblance, seeing the rose petals fly as she lept over Torchwick not before sinking his bowler hat into his head of which masked his eyes and started making a hail mary for her team.

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