Chapter 19: Kindled Faith

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Blake POV

After our resounding victory against Team ABRN, our minds began to settle on filling the intermission with filling our stomachs. Still, I was wondering where (Y/N) could be and I especially wondered how they would place him in a team's tournament. My mind tossed that thought aside as I was infatuated with the large bowl of fish and noodles in front of me. I was only snapped out of this admiration when Weiss' card flew back at us, embedding itself into the counter causing rampant concern in me. Looking up at the shopkeeper, he simply pointed at the register which rejected her card.

Weiss: "What?! How can my card be declined? I barely used my monthly allowance..." I began to sneakily and mischievously bring the bowl toward me as Weiss questioned the fact until the shopkeeper quickly snatched the bowl away from me. This had me dropping my head in defeat, unable to think about how much I wanted to eat.

(Y/N): "This is why hard cash is always accepted." To our right stood (Y/N) holding a small clump of lien between his fingers, waving it off to us.

Ruby: "(Y/N)!"

(Y/N): "You girls deserve this. It's on me."

Yang: "Aww... you shouldn't have."

Blake: "You don't know how much this means to me." I said with haste leaking from my words. He simply grinned, handing over the money to the shopkeeper in turn returned my bowl. Although he sat next to me, he didn't bother ordering which slightly irritated the shopkeeper. "Aren't you going to eat?"

(Y/N): "I've already eaten on the way here." His stomach let off a reverberant growl.

Ruby: "Uhh... are you sure?" He sighed in response, laying his head on the counter.

(Y/N): "I thought those wild plants would fill me up too and spent the remainder of my money on gear..."

Pyrrha: "Maybe I could help?" Looking to our left was Team JNPR with some lien in her hand.

Ruby: "Pyrrha!"

(Y/N): "That would be much appreciated for someone you don't know well." He smiled genuinely at her which had the unexpected feeling of my heart skipping a beat when he did. "I heard your fight is coming up. If anything, this will be less of a fight with you on the team."

Pyrrha: "Oh, stop. If anyone, Jaune and his leadership will get us through."

Jaune: "Yeah!"

Team RWBY stared at his beaming confidence with perplexion while I looked at him with minor interest, seeing how far he had progressed since our first meeting during initiation.

Weiss: "I somehow doubt that." In an instant, Jaune's confidence shattered.

After some time eating a hearty meal my fast metabolism was thoroughly fulfilled along with everyone else... except for Weiss and Jaune who seemed to have an irritating time keeping what went in out and seemed to be on the verge of collapsing.

Ren: "Are you sure it's wise to have eaten before a fight?

Pyrrha: "Of course! It will give us energy." Nora let out an echoing burp as the shopkeeper hastily cleaned the bowls off the counter.

(Y/N): "You might be hindered in battle from such a full stomach."

Jaune: "Ughhh if I barf I'm blaming you."

Nora: "Oh! Aim it at the enemy!"

Ren: "Nora, that's disgusting, but if you do feel the urge..."

Jaune: "Got it." He gave them a thumbs-up as Pyrrha prepared to leave.

Tonic Chemistry (Blake Belladonna x Male Reader) RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now