Chapter 7: Blood Money

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The night was far from easy with the street rat by my side. The alarm blared its horn as I shot it dead with a single round from my baton. Emerald finished disabling a few more guards as I loaded myself into the Paladin and plugged in a USB drive that started injecting a custom-made trojan virus that Iota created herself.

Emerald: "How long will this take?"

(Y/N): "It would have taken less than a minute if you didn't have that big ego of yours and had us both caught!"

Emerald: "Don't even start with who got caught first! If it wasn't for me, you would never have made it this far!"

(Y/N): "I'm done arguing with rats who think they are right! Keep them busy while this hack finishes."

Guard: "Don't let them get away!" A guard yelped at the shot pain that Emerald inflicted, causing hallucinations that had infected guards with uncontrollable fear while she mercilessly took their lives.

At that moment, the monitor in the cockpit lit up from its black screen and showed its simplified UI system. I punched the drive button and the machine whirred and kicked to life, feeling my bones shaking while piloting the mech.

(Y/N): "IDeS, the controls are yours."

Iota: "I can't right now. I'm trying to settle the dispute that has been going haywire since you tripped the alarm. I will have to send a jammer your way to make this easier for myself."

(Y/N): "I can't pilot this thing. They never trained me for this!" My stress escalated as Iota kept silent, darting my eyes from every dial, button, and lever.

Iota: "It's no chemistry, but if any person can be trained in less than a month to learn how to drive it, then you can find out how. I'm cutting off communication in three... two... one..." Static immediately came from her end.

I scanned around once more, finding two levers by my feet. With the little knowledge I had, I put two and two together and grabbed them as they started to wobble in place. Piecing more parts together, I began moving the whole machine one step of the way until I was ready to drive this thing past the front gate. Emerald needed no instructions and hopped on as I dashed this piece of junk out and into the military landing zone and waited for pick up.

The guards that remained were relentless in their fruitless attempts to apprehend us. Their measly rounds bounced off the paladin's protective shields and had me running them down with the weight of the mechanical goliath's chasse. The rumbling engines of a transport airship came scaling down with White Fang reinforcements slipping down thrown cords as they began fiercely fending off Atlas security. Some however weren't here to fight, a few of which began attaching the Paladin to the airship, fastening steel cords and magnetic ends for a secure getaway.

WFM: "We're good over here! Let's move!"

Emerald nodded, making use of her semblance again, making for panic to spread through each guard once more leaving them vulnerable to the White Fang for them to take pot shots at them without the concern of being shot themselves.

(Y/N): "So yeah... that is what happened." I explained without skipping a beat, telling Torchwick without sparing a detail about how the operation was a half success all whilst staring at the paladin I have stolen. Emerald had already departed with some woman in a red dress which I would assume is her guardian or something.

Torchwick wasn't as thrilled as I expected in the result of the operation. His eyes shut and head tilted down and shook in disbelief.

Torchwick: "You mean to tell me that Atlas is now on high alert due to this hiccup?"

Tonic Chemistry (Blake Belladonna x Male Reader) RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now