Chapter 25: No Heroes and Villains

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Upon entering the nearly empty tower except for a few grimm feasting on people who thought this would have been a good hiding space in a corner, I came to the elevator to see it was in use. With no other option, I wedged my sword between the door, and with my newly borrowed strength, I forced the elevator shaft open to see the seemingly endless drop down to the vault, making my stomach feel queasy as a vice.

I composed myself before taking the step and at the mercy of gravity. The seconds ticked by as my attention grew dull in waiting for the ground, the slightest glimpse of the elevator roof had me slipping in and out of state. I wasted no time to tear through to the vault, dashing for the end before the process could be complete. Hearing the sounds of a woman screaming in agony reverberated throughout the walls, the end was near. I saw a familiar woman with a bow aimed at the stasis chamber containing the current fall maiden. I had no time left to spare. I drew my blade and pointed it at the woman, firing off the ballistic knives at her back, disrupting her aim as the arrow flew toward a nearby pillar. She scowled as a result.

(Y/N): "Sorry I'm late." Ozpin looked relieved at my presence and curiously Jaune was present for the transfer of the fall maiden equally as glad to see me.

Cinder: "Why are you here?"

(Y/N): "Business. Obviously." I rained hot lead at her which she evaded with grace, taking cover by one of the archways.

Ozpin: "Hold her off a little longer!" Jaune came in to support me, running headfirst into Cinder.

Frustrated that her plans had gone awry, Cinder placed a palm on the architecture, seeing it glow in color as fragments of glass fused to a series of long shards launched at me. I evaded without effort, picking out a handful of expendables and began chucking them two by two. Jaune managed to reach Cinder, however, he was outmatched as seen when he took a swing at Cinder which she sidestepped away before punting his knee. He yelled in misery, not before shielding her blades from cleaving into him with my throwables also being nothing more than a nuisance to her.

Pyrrha: "Jaune!" The machine began whirring and clanking drowning out her words and replacing them with nigh-audible cries of agony with the machine sounding like it was going to overload itself.

Cinder couldn't wait any longer, knocking away Jaune back to Ozpin. She reconfigured her blades back to a bow, aiming three arrows while ignoring the spikes she had been impaled with and shot. Ozpin moved in, thinking that she was targeting Amber, however, the arrows connected with the machine, and hearing the projectiles whistle, glowing bright orange and destroying the machine, dust kicking up and obstructing my vision.

When I thought the fighting was over, a strange feeling of my body being stretched apart happened. I strained myself of the pain, clenching my fist as an arm burst out of my rifted wound. The arm began pushing itself out as more and more of what lay in the opening came out, realizing that Rho was escaping the bent reality with the planted portal in my chest. It took mere seconds for Rho to finish his rebirth, standing in front of me as I fell to my knees exhausted.

Cinder: "No...No! Ugh!" Her defeated frustration-filled growls can be heard. Her reason becomes apparent when the faint glow shaped like an almond burned in the clearing – the transfer of the fall maiden's power now in Pyrrha's possession. The job could not have been easier, now that Ozpin and Jaune need not concern themselves with the process began their assault upon Cinder.

Rho: "Grab her." He placed a hand on me before joining Ozpin and Jaune in the battle, the metallic melody scraping against one another pierced my ears.

Pyrrha appeared to be exhausted, given that she slumped to the floor motionless but slowly began to gain her bearings as she got up on one knee. I approached her quickly but cautiously, unknowing of the fall maiden's aftereffects if they existed. My footsteps were soon realized by the spartan woman as she gazed up, smiling as I extended a helping hand to her. She took it, helping her to her feet, and instead of letting go – I quickly maneuvered behind her, twisting her arm before forcibly pushing her to the ground and pinning her.

Tonic Chemistry (Blake Belladonna x Male Reader) RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now